Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Press+ Tuesday: 100 kilo Axle OHP x 7

THE PROGRAM called for six reps, to beat my previous personal best for reps at this weight by one. I was pretty damn happy to grind out two. The seventh took so long I needed to remember to inhale mid-press. This was a great comeback from another disappointing bench press. That 160 came up slow... too slow. Time to write a new program I think.

PRESS+ Tuesday January 30th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
90 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1
Axle OHP (strict):
30 kgs x 10
60 kgs x 5
80 kgs x 2
100 kgs x 7 PR
Incline press:
85 kgs x 4 x 8 TPR
EZ-bar skull-crushers:
42.5 kgs x 8, 6, 7
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 12, 10, 8
HS chest press (p/h):
47.5 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/HS biceps curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10

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