Saturday, February 8, 2020

Squat Saturday: Ten Kilos Lost in Three Months

Ten kilograms lost in 3 months
I unofficially started eating in a caloric deficit at the end of October / start of November, when I was still hovering around 135 kilograms body weight. I didn't do anything overly scientific; I just made sure I was hungry all the time and gradually reduced the amount I ate each meal. The less I trained the less I needed to eat, and I was training only once a week on average at this point. It would always include some cardio at the end, coz I'm not keen on dying in my forties, and while I suck at it and will never actually enjoy doing it, I know I need to.

I would subsist on a small bowl of muesli in the morning, a piece of banana bread around ten o'clock, a small meal for lunch (on days I had time to sit and eat lunch), and a couple of nut or grain bars in the afternoon; one around two o'clock, another around four. I'd have a small meal when I got home at six, and dinner would be anytime between eight and ten o'clock. It was only really on post-training days that the hunger pains were hard to deal with. I'd have a protein shake some time during the day after a session if they got really bad. Like, dry-retching bad.

From the beginning of December I was on holidays, so was able to de-stress (which had a great positive impact on my quality of sleep, amongst other things) and focus on things other than training, while still keeping fit and active. But, while most people were indulging in food and drink over the holiday season, I was abstaining and sticking to my goal. And by the end of January, that goal was reached.

Today before doing my money sets on yoke I had to adjust my Inzer belt again. I am one notch away from the smallest setting I've ever used. And, while it was only 250, the yoke didn't suck, even after high volume squats, which I was happy about. I am looking forward to getting back into more regular events.

EVENTS Saturday February 8th
Axle squats:
20 kg x 10
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 3
120 kg x 1
140 kg x 3 x 10 TPR maybe a PR
Yoke walk:
130 kg x 15 meters
190 kg x 15 meters
250 kg x 3 x 15 meters
assault bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm

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