Wednesday, December 8, 2021

November Recap Part 3: More Good Omens

MORE weight lifted than last pull session means another legit personal record for volume. I've moved 300 kilos for five, 280 for six, 260 for eight, and 250 for (let's just fucking call it) ten repetitions. Anything below, say, 220, has been in the warmup sets range and so not something I've focused on like this before. The last set I did consider belting up, but actually thought it would be more of a hindrance than anything. I hit each rep slowly and really thought about driving as much as possible with my legs, my back as rigid as possible. The last few were tense, but I got them done. Six thousand, two hundred total kilograms moved, not including warmup sets of course. And no back complaint.

Goju Ryu was closed on the weekend while they conducted grading at their other dojo in Bridgetown, so I attempted some of the Bo and Tonfa kata I've learned thus far at the gym. The next week I got some much-needed dry needling done (it's been like a year??) and was instantly moving better.

SPD Tuesday November 30th
Stretch: spine, adductors, quads, hamstrings
Axle squat to box:
50 kg x 10
80 kg x 3
110 kg x 4 x 10
Axle OHP:
40 kg x 5
60 kg x 2 x 10, 1 x 8
Barbell romanian deadlift:
70 kg x 5
95 kg x 4 x 10

KABUDO Saturday November 27th
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 p/side for 10 seconds each
Plank on hands: 2 x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 x 10 seconds p/leg
Curl up with adductor stretch: 2 x 10
Bo & Tonfa Kata: 30 mins
Assault bike: 5 mins @ +60 rpm TPR

PULLS Thursday November 25th
Stretch: spine, adductors, quads, hamstrings
Deadlifts w/barbell:
65 kg x 10
105 kg x 3
135 kg x 3
155 kg x 4 x 10 PR no belt, double overhand
Face pulls:
45 kg x 4 x 20 PR
Hamstring curls (p/l):
10 kg x 2 x 20

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