Monday, July 1, 2019

Template 2, Week 10: Simulating the Axle Squat

After clean-press, much of Saturday  was about getting the right height for the axle squat. In the process I also managed to pick up a fresh niggle which caused me to stop the session before I got to Zercher carries. My right quad developed some pain while doing paused singles of 180. Come the next morning, it was swollen and not much fun to bend. I am hopeful it's not a major issue.

EVENTS week 10 Template 2 - Saturday June 29th
Axle clean-press:
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 5
85 kg x 3 x 4
Axle squat:
50 kg x 10
90 kg x 5
130 kg x 5
160 kg x 3
180 kg x 4, 1, 1, 1

PRESS week 10 Template 2 - Tuesday June 25th
Axle strict OHP:
20 kg x 10
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 3
85 kg x 1
95 kg x 4 x 4
70 kg x max effort 9
Incline barbell press:
50 kg x 3
75 kg x 4 x 6 - programmed sets of 8 here but too fatigued from ME OHP
Skull-crushers w/mini swiss bar:
29 kg x 3 x 8
Preacher curls w/EZ bar:
19 kg x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 3 x 10

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