Saturday, March 30, 2013

Events Training Saturday: First Yoke Since Am Nats 2012

shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP
10 reps @ 20
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
1 reps @ 50 kgs
1 reps @ 55 kgs PR

Yoke walk
2 meters @ 135 kgs
15 meters @ 135 kgs (1 arm)
15 meters @ 215 kgs
15 meters @ 215 kgs
15 meters @ 215 kgs

THAT strict single of 55 kilos overhead is a 1RM I've been working towards for maybe six months. All my dumbbell work has been strict; I'm not looking to risk another labrum tear by push-pressing weight - if I can't move it with raw strength, I won't move it. Not until I'm stronger, 100% able-bodied, and possibly with some Olympic training under my belt will I attempt push-pressing again.

I got back under the yoke today for the first time since October (with the exception of that one time I attempted it no-armed) and it was pretty painful at first, till I got my hand placement just right and learned to disengage before I drop it.

The Strongman pen has a new yoke; it's lighter (135 kilos), with the same extra-thick bar, and it's sturdy as fuck. Les did an amazing job. It's a very valuable addition to WA Strongman's apparatus, as we have new members and possibly competitors looking to do some proper strongman training, but not everybody can handle the 205 kilo yoke right away. It was a steep learning curve for the rest of us (apart from Dan, of course).

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