Thursday, November 29, 2012

Squat Thursday: Fourth Cold This Year?!

Squats (heavy)
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 180 kgs
6 reps @ 200 kgs PR

Good mornings (volume)
10 reps @ 30 kgs
10 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 100 kgs
10 reps @ 120 kgs
10 reps @ 140 kgs TPR

IT honestly must be the fourth cold/flu/attack of the flying mucus I've had this year. I was choking back slobber all through this session, but I'm very glad I got it done. Energy is low, and I'm a little whacked from the cold medicine. Nonetheless made steady progress on both lifts tonight. Slow and steady wins the race.

There's a write-up on last weekends Australia's Strongest Man being drafted tonight, and I should have it published over the weekend. The story, when you read it, should explain why this year was a disappointment for SMWA and so I've been reluctant to write it. But it must be done.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rehab Don't Mean Light Weight

Good mornings (heavy)
10 reps @ 30 kgs
6 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 180 kgs
5 reps @ 200 kgs PR

Squats w/cambered (light)
10 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 90 kgs
10 reps @ 110 kgs TPR
6 reps @ 130 kgs

YEAH... I had a couple more reps in me. Each rep felt, and appeared to be, deeper than the last. Very happy with this effort, though disappointed in not being able to get more done.

I know, I know, I was supposed to perform Retarded Shannons tonight, along with DB OHP. I did heavy Good Mornings instead for two reasons;

1. Because I fucking wanted to, and
2. There is definitely something wrong with my left elbow. FML.

I'm hoping I can OHP the week I get back from New South Wales. I don't have time to get it checked out this side of the weekend - I leave Friday morning and my physio is in extremely high demand nowadays. It's not a new injury, and it's not something I'm overly worried about. Pretty sure it's tendinitis, or tennis elbow, or whatever. It's been jarred in the past, which causes the same problem, and it typically goes away in a few weeks (as long as I don't do anything stupid like concentration curls) but it's been exacerbated by that bout of arm-wrestling last weekend. Never again. Not after being advised by a mutual associate of his trials coming back from an injury sustained during some drunken arm-wrestling antics with his mates (sound familiar?). Oh, and this:
Anyway, no OHP for me tonight, and I ended my squats as soon as my form broke. The aim was to get 10 reps for every set while concentrating on my middle back rigidity when coming out of the hole; I tend to slump forward and let my stronger lower posterior drive me up (I guess like doing a Squat Morning lol) but I didn't realise just how much I relied on that until Rod - another Pit regular - was scrutinising my form two weeks back.

Rod was initially looking for pointers using the cambered bar, as he (like so many of us) has a shoulder injury he needs to work around. But he gave me some good pointers, and tonight I set about fixing this issue. I refrained from using my belt as I think there's too much disparity between the form I use without it in the lighter sets and how I end up squatting under heavy weight, while cinched in tight. Not that it got heavy enough to really consider using it this time. But for the future, I will try and stay 100% raw.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Squat Monday: Ow My Groin

Squats w/cambered
10 reps @ 30 kgs
6 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 180 kgs
5 reps @ 200 kgs PR

Good mornings
10 reps @ 30kgs
10 reps @ 70kgs
10 reps @ 90kgs
10 reps @ 110kgs
10 reps @ 130kgs TPR

I MISSED what was to be my third squat set, at 110 kilos, and moved straight to 150 accidentally. Didn't notice it that much, actually. I might have to do this in future, providing I continue to be sufficiently warmed and stretched. It saved some energy, that's for sure. But I'm pissed off about that new PR. Why? Because I had to quit at 5 when my right lower abdomen felt like it was burning. This is something I've discussed with Dan before. He said it was related to weakness in the muscle there (and I've conveniently forgotten which muscle that is, specifically. And I know I could look it up in a second. Shut up and do it yourself), but definitely not a hernia. So I persisted until it became too much. I had another 2 or 3 reps in me, I guarantee it. Maybe even more.

Since I'm flying out at the crack of dawn Friday morning, other priorities will prevent me from training both Wednesday and Thursday nights this week. No matter. I'm looking forward to ASM and I expect it to be an awesome weekend!

Saturday Training: Ow That Hurt

Sled drag
25 meters x 3 + 120 kgs sled - as fast as possible, no rest between runs

5 minutes Stationary bike

Seated calf raises
10 reps @ 60 kgs
20 reps @ 40 kgs
20 reps @ 40 kgs

Seated rows
10 reps @ 10 plates
10 reps @ 10 plates
10 reps @ 10 plates
10 reps @ 10 plates

(not quite) 5 minutes Stationary bike

ALL over in 90 minutes. Things hurt everywhere, and I made that a LOT worse by agreeing to arm-wrestle Christian. I was later told by Rik Kamana, head honcho of West Coast Arm Wrestling, that Christian had a stronger left arm than the guy who took the prize for that division last year. That made me feel a little, tiny bit better. I don't know what's gonna make my elbow feel better though. It sure as shit won't be more arm wrestling.

For me personally, I don't believe it's an effective use of my tendons and ligaments, and would be a liability to my training if I were to continue with it. Not to mention, I have only one good arm as it is. Let's not be taking risks with it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Improvisation Thursday: New, Sweaty Equipment

Leg Press
12 reps @ 165 kgs
12 reps @ 205 kgs
12 reps @ 245 kgs
12 reps @ 285 kgs
12 reps @ 325 kgs
10 reps @ 365 kgs PR... and double my reps in my set at this weight October 29th

45 degree back raises
10 reps
10 reps +24 kgs KB
10 reps +32 kgs KB

10 reps @ 22.5 kgs
10 reps @ 27.5 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs

Shannon is Retarded*
10 reps @ 22.5 kgs
10 reps @ 42.5 kgs

THE intention was to take it easy tonight. I have dropped one session this week to assist with recovery and tonight was a deload. My knee complaint didn't resurface. Hopefully it won't tomorrow morning either. My legs nearly failed me when I got up from that last set of leg press. I wanted 12, just for consistency, but it wasn't gonna happen. Still a decent PR for reps. Not that leg press PRs are worth shit.

I saw Shaun and Shazza performing an exercise involving a safety squat bar, and lying your torso over a glute & hamstring raise machine while standing. The movement is designed to isolate and strengthen the upper back. It's something I had been planning to use on Wednesday nights, in place of the hip-thrusts which - combined with all the squatting - have been burning me out beyond reasonable recovery time each week. So I tried this out after the sweaty, smelly bastards were done with it and figure it will be a genuinely useful exercise, with enough weight.

About a month back, a big round guy got angry at me for changing his music without notice, and I accused him of (amongst other things) being a pissweak lifter. Remember that? It apparently was a whole big thing. Well, tonight Ben benched a comfortable 150 kgs, followed by an almost as comfy 155 (that's 342 lbs for the folks in the US); 20 kilos over my best ever bench (some of you might remember when I used to bench) - and paused, too.

Ben says he's just 5 kilos off his strength levels of a few years ago, and plans to make a return to meets in 2013. Nicely done mate, I take back what I said. I'm just thankful for the vintage Metallica on the stereo while we both did our heaviest work of the night.

*I asked Shaun the technical name for this exercise, and this was his reply. Crazy, drunk fucking Irish.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2 Day Training Recap: Bitching Out

10/11/12 - Events Saturday

*shoulder warmup

DB OHP (push-press)
10 reps @ 20 kgs
6 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
2 reps @ 50 kgs PR

1-arm Seated rows
10 reps @ 12 plate
10 reps @ 13 plate
8 reps @ 14 plate
8 reps @ 15 plate PR

Truck-pull/sled drag
25 meters @ Pajero + 110 kgs sled
25 meters @ Pajero + 110 kgs sled + 86 kgs (Ash*)

LAZY saturday session. I was glad to not be using my back for anything today. It seems like it's getting blasted beyond recovery each week. Those 2 reps of 50 OHP were something I've been close to doing for several weeks. I'm still not progressing very fast here (prolly coz I keep wanting to pick up a 50) but I am nonetheless progressing.

*Ash hopped off with maybe 5 meters left to go. Pretty sure he wasn't doing me a favour, I was just moving too slow for him and he got bored. I really hate Ash. We tell people that we just act like we don't like each other, but really, I truly, deeply hate him. And he knows it.

13/11/12 - Improvised Tuesday

*shoulder warmup

DB OHP (strict)
8 reps @ 20 kgs
6 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
3 reps @ 45 kgs

1-arm Kroc rows
8 reps @ 50 kgs
8 reps @ 60 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5.5 reps @ 80 kgs - it's been a while, a I'm pretty confidant this is a PR

1-arm Triceps pushdowns
12 reps @ 40 lbs
10 reps @ 50 lbs
5 reps @ 60 lbs... meh. A PR 

Good mornings
10 reps @ 30 kgs
10 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 120 kgs
8 reps @150 kgs

FINISHED with GMs tonight just to feel more like I'd done something properly strenuous. I missed last night's session, deciding another 24 hours rest and recovery would be a good idea.

I'm walking a fine line here. My right knee, and left forearm and pec now have pains and twinges from the constant near-maximal pulling and pressing. I've been advised I have to tone down my loading and train to max only once per week. For everything. 

This means shit's gonna get even more boring, I'm pretty sure; when I am in the gym of a weeknight, I want it to be worthwhile.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good Thursday

Good mornings - heavy
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
6 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
6 reps @ 180 kgs PR

Squats - light
8 reps @ 70 kgs
8 reps @ 90 kgs
8 reps @ 110 kgs
8 reps @ 130 kgs
8 reps @ 150 kgs

45 back raises
5 reps @ BW - slow and controlled
5 reps @ +28 kgs KB - this hurt

PRETTY happy with tonight's GMs... when I racked it, I actually felt like I could have done more. But then, I generally feel that way after a successful final set. One more could have made it not so successful. It's a fine line. I'm glad I listened to my coaches and stuck to +10 kilos progression instead of trying for a Pit record.

I set the back raise apparatus too low, and my right adductor (I think) hurt like a somebitch... for all I know it was my hamstring, and I was about to pull it, so I backed off. I think I need a different kind of exercise to finish off this routine. Something that focusses on more upper back. My lower back is, well, pretty fried. All the time.

Strong as fuck though.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Push/Pull Wednesday: A Little Better

Rack pulls w/harness
10 reps @ 100 kgs
6 reps @ 140 kgs
4 reps @ 180 kgs
3 reps @ 220 kgs
6 reps @ 240 kgs PR

*Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB press (strict)
10 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
5 reps @ 45 kgs PR

1-arm Triceps pushdown
15 reps @ 40 lbs
8 reps @ 50 lbs
6 reps @ 50 lbs

1-arm Pinwheelz
10 reps @ 20 kgs
10 reps @ 25 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs

EVERYWHERE I go people are inconsiderate, self-involved assholes.

I was pissed off coming into the gym tonight. I'd been complaining about wasting time correcting apparatus that hadn't been returned to it's previous condition when the user was done with it. I was so self-involved in hating on society I set the rack too low, and started falling forward during my set at 180. So had to pause, unload, adjust, reload, and go again. Ironic. 

I'm glad to have made the 5 reps of 45 I should have made last week, and am looking forward to some push-press this saturday, followed by... boring cable shit.

So glad I still have one good shoulder to work. Need more variety. Getting some Captains of Crush Grippers from IronMind soon so I can keep my grip strength up while my right arm is a useless dangly bit by my side.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Squat Monday: Gassed, But Happy

Squats - heavy
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
6 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
10 reps @ 180 kgs PR

Good mornings - light
10 reps @ 30 kgs
10 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 110 kgs
8 reps @ 125 kgs
8 reps @ 140 kgs

WAS feeling off my food before training tonight... not sick, just not hungry, so my energy was pretty low. I again lost steam after the higher volume sets of GMs and had nothing left. But being exhausted after 10 sets isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not when it's lower body and heavy.

I know it doesn't look like my heavy session, but this is how you build higher reps with +200; do it progressively with -200. I have done this once before - building up using moderate- to high- rep sets* with a max effort final set, starting at 150 kilos and adding 5 or 10 kilos per week or per fortnight until I could perform 4 proper reps of 200 kilos and then 3 of 205 kilos. I started this progression again 2 weeks ago. I expect to rep 200+ for 5 or 6 in another month.

Shit, what the hell else am I doing with my time in the gym? I'll do it next week.

*Notice that the reps diminish as the bar gets heavier, until the penultimate set, which must be 3 or less. It's just a method of getting used to the weight without wasting too much of your effort moving it.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Squat Thursday: Good Morning!

Good mornings
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 ks
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
8 reps @ 170 kgs PR

Squats - light
1 reps @ 150 kgs - started too heavy
3 reps @ 70 kgs
2 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 70 kgs
8 reps @ 110 kgs
8 reps @ 150 kgs

TONIGHT'S Good Mornings ended with one helluva personal best, which is evidence that the heavy/light, light/heavy approach is working. Not to mention, starting with GMs when they are on the "heavy" side of that combo is freeing up more energy. I went up 5 kilos, and 3 reps compared with last week. Not sure I would have had the reps in me if I'd done these second.

But the squats that followed felt all wrong immediately. I wasted energy fucking around with my form and scrutinising the box height. There was a small group of women running a Frontline circuit who needed to finish with some assisted pull-ups, and they were hoping to use the Hammer cage I was in. Truth be told, in the time I was dicking around, I felt like they could have been making better use of it than I was.