THERE'S been some decent progress made so far this month. I pulled 150 kilograms for four sets of ten - double overhand, no belt - which was a personal record for volume at that loading with six metric tonnes moved. I did not walk away from it completely unscathed... I had in fact programmed a fifth set, but I knew my back wouldn't take it after what turned out to be a mild lumbar strain towards the end of the fourth. I am also steadily increasing loading and volume in other areas and kobudo is feeling a little more comfortable.
So far, all the people I have met at Swan Hills Goju Ryu have been really nice. They go out of their way to give me beginners instructions alongside the rest of the class. This time next year they will be sending a team to Okinawa to compete amongst the highest levels of the discipline. I know I won't be anywhere near good enough to compete in just one year, but I'd sure like to go with them for the experience.
S.P.D. Sunday November 14th
Stretch: everything!
Axle squat to box:
47.5 kg x 10
97.5 kg x 4 x 10
Axle OHP:
47.5 kg x 3
55 kg x 4 x 10
Romanian deadlift w/barbell:
90 kg x 4 x 10
Tonfa Kobudo:
10 mins
GOJU RYU Okinawan Weapons Training Saturday November 13th
Bo, Sai & Tonfa Kobudo:
90 minutes
MOBILITY & AGILITY Tuesday November 9th
Stretch: spine, adductors, glutes, biceps
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 p/side for 10 seconds each
Plank on hands: 2 x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 x 10 seconds p/side
Curl ups with adductor stretch: 2 x 10
Axe-swings (p/side):36 kg x 10
40.5 kg x 10
45 kg x 10 TPR
DB side raises (l&r):
12.5 kg x 35, 20, 15 PR
DB curls (l&r):
12.5 kg x 4 x 10
9 kg x 10
Triceps pushdowns:
90 kg wide grip x 10
45 kg rope x 20
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm
PULLS Sunday November 7th
Stretch: spine, adductors, quads, hamstrings, biceps
Deadlifts w/barbell:
60 kg x 10
100 kg x 3
130 kg x 3
150 kg x 4 x 10 PR no belt, double overhand
45 kg x 5 x 20 PR
Assault bike: 5 mins @ +50 rpm
MOBILITY & AGILITY Tuesday November 2nd
Stretch: spine, adductors, glutes, biceps
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 p/side for 10 seconds each
Plank on hands: 2 x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 x 10 seconds p/side
Curl ups with adductor stretch: 2 x 10
Axe-swings (p/side):
36 kg x 5 x 10 PR
DB side raises (l&r):
12.5 kg x 30, 20, 10 PR
DB curls (l&r):
12.5 kg x 4 x 10 TPR
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm
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