Sunday, August 5, 2018

Events Saturday: Static Monsters Prep wk1

I SAW some of our newest members make great progress today. The young and the beardy, Tim and Chris, are quickly getting the hang of log pressing. Honeyberst busted through to the 200 kilogram deadlift club with a triple of 205 on the axle, from a 40 centimetre pull height. Pulling a single of 200 from the floor with a standard bar is now a foregone conclusion for the flamboyant new recruit.

And Tim tells me he's added log press to his regular routine going forward. I am thinking he may be keen on entering Static Monsters this year. It would make a useful first foray into strongman competition. If  he sticks with the basic template and keeps training log and deadlift, I know he will impress come October. I know they both will.

For me, I'm just getting started. At the end of the next three months, my intended one rep maxes are:
Log clean-press: 130 kg
Axle deadlift: 355 kg
Squat (cambered bar): 260 kg
Yoke walk: 340 kg x 20 meters

I am still using the Lion method of yoke training, which has a focus on higher volume and not max loading, The heaviest yoke I'll walk in the three months is 340 kilograms, which is nearly one hundred kilos lighter than the heaviest yoke I've walked and will be somewhere around 50-60 kilos lighter than what I can expect at the WASM state finals this year.

There is a strategy here. I am trying to not burn out while prepping effectively for both comps, which are happening very close to one another. But it's all Strongman, baby. This is my sport.

I'm looking forward to it.

EVENTS Saturday August 4th
Log clean-press:
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 5
80 kg x 5
90 kg x 5
Axle deadlifts:
65 kg x 10
105 kg x 5
145 kg x 3
185 kg x 3
205 kg x 3 x 10

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