Wednesday, September 27, 2017

PRESS+ Tuesday: Vigour

Image perfected by Mick of XLPixels
STILL feeling strong and eager to get stronger, tonight I tipped the PTC scales at 141 kilograms bodyweight. When I entered the gym I met Sen; a woman who I had seen around the place, but had not interacted with before. As I sat down to put my shoes on, Sen asked me how my training was going and seemed genuinely interested in my answer, so I gave her a rundown of what I'd been doing lately before getting stuck in.

The curious thing is that Sen already knew my name, but not that I am the PTC Strongman coach.

To save my joints I have removed log clean-press from this routine. This will give me a mandate to work in on Saturday with the team. I also plan on deadlifting during the clinic, as I need to squat this week (most likely Thursday). Losing the overhead aspect is not the only change I have made to this 'Press Plus' routine. The rest is as per the template I wrote months ago, which has served me well, but I have dropped the fourth set on a couple of exercises, constraining the accessory movements to eighteen sets total in expectation of the progressive overload taking its toll. I intend to work up to 100 kilogram incline benches and 60 per hand Hammer Strength chest presses for sets of eight to ten.

I also intend to get a proper night's sleep some time soon, but it's been difficult lately. Muscles repair and grow when at rest, and it's vitally important that I sleep during intense training cycles like this one. Evidently the melatonin has been working... I need more.

PRESS+ Tuesday September 26th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
95 kgs x 3
117.5 kgs x 4 x 4
Incline bench press:
75 kgs x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated French press:
28 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 2 x 20, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 8

Sunday, September 24, 2017


PTC Strongfolk. This isn't even half of us!
Snowballing is, I think, the most appropriate word to describe the last few weeks... and what's in store for PTC Strongman over the next few months.

After the Cup I spent a couple of days sitting around and found myself impatient to get back into training once more. The mind was more than willing... the flesh, however, was weak. Launching a new template - one that will set me up for Static Monsters and the GPC Push/Pull - I began with Press. I worked up to some strong, paused 5-rep sets of 110 kilos, then moved on to Log. And that was where the impact of the weekend's competition made itself apparent. My joints instantly hated the exercise, and my elbows had had enough after just two sets of 80. I had programmed three.
Too much? Nah!
I took a break to see if the pain would dissipate, but it did not. So the rest of the routine was scrapped. Even though I was feeling fresh and ready for more (which is a rare thing for me), I should still have taken the arbitrary week of down time. I decided to leave my Pull routine till the weekend.

Shaahni Carter has joined the crew, and this Saturday's clinic was her first session. The last few weeks, PTC Strongman membership has also snowballed. I now need more than two hands to count all our members! Coaching them has become my main concern during the few hours I have with them each Saturday, which is why I sporadically do my own training on Sundays now.
Full House: 3 stations inside & another outside, all working at once!
This clinic was another brilliant example of a bustling and well-oiled team preparing for their respective campaigns. Several of the crew are focussed on competing this year, and with such a smorgasbord of top strength events over the next few months, they have plenty of opportunities!

The final WASM qualifier for 2017 is in three weeks, The Static Monsters is Saturday October 28th, and the WASM state finals are pegged for mid-November. PTC Strongfolk will be entering all of them. Its certainly going to be a busy end of the year for me, but I love what I do. And Saturday was another reminder of why.

Mick is enjoying deadlifting; he's graduated to a regular barbell, and he's pulling from the floor. But his gait and grip were both too narrow, and so he looked pinched and uncomfortable in the hole. I asked him to take a wider, more natural stance and place his hands a little further apart. Watching him pull his next set - and seeing the smile come upon his face as he realised that that was exactly what was off - I find that profoundly satisfying. Mick went on to pull a triple of 150: a massive new personal record for the Behemoth.

There were many gutsy performances from the team that day. I caught a bunch of them on video, but I'm unable to upload the goddamn thing as my internet speed is currently woefully slow. I left it to upload overnight last night - all three minutes and something-seconds of it - and at about 90% complete, it timed out. So for now you'll just have to be satisfied with pictures.

PRESS Wednesday September 20th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
90 kgs x 2
110 kgs x 4 x 5
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 5
65 kgs x 5
80 kgs x 2 x 8

PULL+ Sunday September 24th
Deadlifts (barbell):
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
265 kgs x 3 x 4 TPR
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 8
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Cable row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
Super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Perth Cup 2017

I HAD a good self-congratulatory session on Facebook Sunday, when the lifting was over. Now its time for the analysis. And as always, there's a lot of room for improvement. Here's how my lifts went:

I have a new challenge when I squat; the higher I wear my belt, the harder it is to hold my breath while in the hole. I now also have a tendency to go light-headed. This is what happened on my third attempt - a 255 kilo squat, and what would have been a new personal record. I didn't pass out, but I needed assistance racking the bar and walking away from the mono. My vision was a little blurry and I was shaky for a minute or so afterwards. I am strongly considering just squatting beltless in future.

Next came bench press, and I opened on an easy 150, with a plan to press 170 for my third. But I blew my second attempt by anticipating the 'press' call, and so retook 160. I was angry, and it flew up. I racked it for three white lights, but an easy 10 kilos was scrubbed from my potential total.

Deadlift is my pet event, as most people know. I was again the heaviest puller of the competition, with 320. But that was all I had left in me. I lowered my expectations on my third attempt, aiming for 330 to finish where I'd really hoped for 340 (or more). This was the second time I've tried to pull 330 in the last fortnight, and for the second time I failed. Its is an obvious indicator that I need to return to base-building.

While competitors travelled from all over - including a massive contingent from Dungeon Powerlifting, Bunbury - the day belonged to PTC, with a host of members testing their mettle and breaking gym records across the board. And we now have yet another lifter with an +800 kilogram total! Congratulations to Dale Smith for an excellent performance, made doubly impressive by the fact that he'd been rehabbing a patella injury in the months prior to the comp. He and Daniel Part (who just missed out on his own 800 total due to a grip issue on his last pull) have both scored invites to Pro Raw X.

For me, the spark to keep pushing was lit by none other than Dan Rucci, with his suggestion that I prep for the GPC Push/Pull in early December. While I had already intended to return my focus to Strongman - more specifically, preparing for the Static Monsters on October 28th - this fits in nicely with my other goals. And I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. I feel like I should do my best to salvage what I can from this year, competition-wise. I'm keeping my sights set on that 350 deadlift... and let's add a 200 kilo bench press to the bucket list for good measure. Only the former stands a realistic chance of happening before 2017 is through.

Friday, September 8, 2017

PULL Thursday: Take That, Posterior

SEVEN months post-surgery, and my grip is now officially just as strong, if not stronger than it's ever been, pulling 225 for three, double overhand. I think my best is 230 for two.

The triple of 275 kgs was supposed to be touch and go (and there was supposed to be two of them), but instead I reset for each pull. Wearing my belt higher now to keep Quaid secure means I have a much harder time trying to breathe in the bottom of the pull. It's going to make high reps a whole lot more challenging.

I also stopped after the first money set as I felt like I was about to strain something... and I was right. I moved on to bent-over rows, picked up the barbell, and promptly strained a lumbar. After a couple of minutes' rest I belted up and got on with the routine coz I'm anardkent, but it certainly slowed me down. The session took over two hours to complete, even with fewer sets than standard. At lighter weights I'd be doing four of each movement, so 20 sets of accessory work in total.

This morning my lower posterior felt like it had been in a car wreck. Glorious.

More pressing Saturday.

PULL+ Thursday September 7th
Stretch & foam roller
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 5
225 kgs x 3 - double overhand, no straps, no belt. A new grip PR I think...
255 kgs x 1 - no belt
275 kgs x 3
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 8
HS seated rows (neutral):
75 kgs x 2 x 8
60 kgs x 10
Seated cable rows (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 8
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kgs x 3 x 8 equal PR
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Squat & Bench Tuesday: Worth the Squeeze?

I DON'T know if this approach is going to work. Again I am flying blind, relying on my own programming abilities and just paying attention to how my body reacts. I need to squeeze as much comp prep into the time I have before the Perth Cup without burning out or showing up on the day still not recovered.

So, with this in mind, the strategy for the next seven days is to hit the three movements on a shorter rotation and sometimes in combination with each other, like tonight. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday. I compete on Sunday September 17th.

Thursday I will deadlift 275 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Saturday I will squat 230 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Tuesday I will deadlift 300 kgs for doubles and press 140 kgs for doubles

Tonight's paused doubles of 130 stopped with a single when I began to notice some weakness at the wrists. It's a technical personal record simply as I've not done this many paused doubles on bench, ever. Incidentally, I believe it's also the max number of reps I've performed of this weight touch and go, in 2015, when my bench was a strong as it's ever been... certainly a lot stronger than it is currently.

SQUAT & BENCH Tuesday September 5th
Squats (competition):
bar x 10
80 kgs x 8
130 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
200 kgs x 2 x 3
Wenning belt squat:
bar x 8
50 kgs x 8
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 4 x 2, 1 TPR

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Events Saturday: All In

Half the PTC Strongman crew at today's clinic.
WITH the raspy return of a voice, and weighing a good five kilos back under SHW status, I walked into PTC Perth today to Eye of the Tiger on the stereo and salutations of "Hey coach!" It seems I was missed.

The crowd was energised, and I had a full dance card and two weeks of my own training to try and make up for, so I was extremely lucky that so many of the team were there to help the newer members. And there are several greenhorns in the mix now, one of whom is Matt. Or Mathew #2 I guess.

This Matt plays rugby and wants to get bigger and stronger for next season, which is January 2018. Naturally, this is going to happen now he's joined PTC Strongman. Carl got him started on a smaller log for clean press as the 12 incher was proving too cumbersome for him to learn the technique properly. Within twenty minutes, Matt was back using the national spec log and lapping, rolling and pressing it like he'd been here all year.

Matt #2 is one of two newbies who arrived last weekend when I was MIA, and got a thorough introduction from Carl. The Lion provided valuable coaching in my absence last week and was there for more of the same today. Steve and Alec also showed their quality, instructing Matt, Mick and Nathan in the finer points of yoke walk and heavy sack picking.

It's a fact: the Yak is back, with a lower back that is no longer whack. We spoke about his treatment and the daily hip mobility exercises prescribed by his new physiotherapist. He and Mick got started with some axle deadlifts before moving on to log press, yoke and other events. This was Mick's first real deadlift session too; axle, from the floor, for three sets of eight at 125 kilograms. Nathan had the same scheme but at 140. The weight did not seem a challenge for either of them (not that it should be), but the axle does add a new dimension to the pull and they both will need more regular work with this apparatus.

I learned today that the Behemoth Mick has met, in their hotel rooms, two of my favourite metal bands; Opeth and Lamb of God. How cool is that?! The mammoth crew at today's session was super-charged by Trivium's Silence in the Snow amongst the usual, auditory pastiche of ACDC, something I think was Kanye West and Beyoncé, cut with 90s commercial dance tracks.

We all dropped our stuff to watch Daniel Part bench 200 kilograms for a very comfortable-looking paused triple, with a slingshot. I am looking forward to seeing what he does in a fortnight at the Perth Cup.

Of course I was not training strongman events today. I have too much to catch up on thanks to the down time I've had these last two weeks. I'd had hopes of training at PTC South Melbourne while I was over east last week, but that didn't happen. I was a mess and had no idea just how sick I actually was until I went for a walk. I couldn't get 500 meters from my hotel without becoming disorientated, sweating profusely and needing to sit down... and it was freezing in Melbourne. Then I realised I'd put my watch on upside down. Most of the time I was there I spent sleeping or chilling in front of Netflix with a couple of friends and a bunch of cold and flu meds. It certainly put a damper on my holiday. But more importantly, it really fucked up my comp prep.

So, the usual, really. Yeah, this is kinda what happens to not just me, but notably me, typically a few weeks out from a comp. I get sick. Regardless, I still pulled 310 today pretty comfortably. I should have either stopped there (which is what I advised people would be the smart thing to do), or gone for 320 to finish the session. Instead I went for 330, as per my original plan for this week. I didn't get it past my knees.

Still reckon I'll pull that and more in a fortnight though.

PULL+ Saturday September 2nd
70 kgs x 10
120 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
220 kgs x 3
270 kgs x 1
310 kgs x 1 TPR
330 kgs x FAIL
Bent-over BB rows (overhand):
110 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows p/h (neutral):
70 kgs x 3 x 8 TPR
Seated row cable machine (underhand):
full stack (200 lbs) x 3 x 10
Meadows rows l&r:
50 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20

Press Thursday: Not All Downside

PRESS+ Thursday August 31st
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
150 kgs x 1
155 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1 TPR
Incline BB bench press:
70 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
Seated French press:
30 kgs x 3 x 10 PR
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 20
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kgs x 4 x 6 PR
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 4 x 8 PR