AFTER the last comp my mind was focussed on the next. The road was clear and obvious; I would write up and execute a fourteen week training program carrying me, non-stop, from the GPC push/pull I'd just done through to Pro Raw at the Arnolds, March 2018. Coz oh yeah. I'm going to the Arnolds next year. The national sub-masters deadlift record I set qualified me for the pull only section of Pro Raw. Apparently there's even a certificate in the mail... but I digress.
My mind was on the next comp, and not at all interested in the pain that my body was feeling after the last one. Powerlifting, while not nearly as demanding as Strongman, still takes its toll. Assuming that I'd be able to manage the program I wrote without burning out a month or so into it was sheer naivety. As usual, my body found occasion to remind me that I am mortal and I needed to take a proper break.
A fortnight passed. I came in for a Saturday afternoon clinic to find I was the only one there. As I am a creature of habit I decided to deadlift; I was going to try for another new 1RM while the getting was ostensibly still good. It was not. I pulled a muscle in my lower back on a warmup set. I foam-rolled it and tried to work through it, but to no avail. I went home and booked a physio appointment.
For some weeks before sustaining this minor injury - how many I could not honestly tell you - a pain in my T1 had been growing progressively worse. One afternoon a couple of days before xmas, I was sitting in my office and the pain was now accompanied by mild numbness and a tingling sensation running down my left arm, ending at the tip of my little finger. I went home and sorted an earlier physio appointment.
I am very glad that I could compete for the portion of 2017 that I did, and that this complaint stayed at bay over that time. And my quest to find a sooner appointment was also serendipitous, as it brought me back into contact with Ceri, who I first met several years ago at WA's mecca of joint and muscle management, Body Genius. It was there that Ceri learned how to needle big brutes like me, and I was extremely grateful for the pain she visited on me last week. What I'd pegged as a bulging disc may be something less serious, as the pain and numbness have subsided completely.
So I amended my grandiose three and a half month template and returned to training this week. I walked in to PTC and no sooner had I put my bag down than I was approached by a seven foot tall youngster who already knew my name.
"Hi. You don't know me, but you are Abaddon, correct?"
I answered in the affirmative.
"Darwin sent me. I want to get into Strongman and he said you were the man to see. Also he said you could help me with my deadlift."
Bradley, this kid's name was. I spoke with Bradley for several minutes and got an idea of his training background. Then I had him show me his deadlift form. One or two adjustments and he was pulling better within minutes. Seeing that happen is always very satisfying for me, so I was surprised when he offered me fifty bucks for the maybe fifteen minutes total I'd spent with him.
Later during my session, Richard asked me why I wasn't doing GPC states next year.
"Strongman, buddy. After the Arnolds in March I will be focussing on strongman."
I guess he's feeling the relative lack of competition in the heavier weight classes. But considering 2018's state championships is so big it needs a third day to accommodate all the entrants, I'm certain the under 140s won't be a cake walk. In fact I'm pretty sure Craig will prove to be stiff competition for Richard. I will have just returned from the Arnolds and will be in the crowd, keen to see them both lift their best.
But it's strongman for me in 2018. My days of competing in the sport that changed my life are far from over.
PRESS+ Wednesday December 27th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
100 kgs x 2
122.5 kgs x 9 TPR
Axle OHP (strict):
30 kgs x 10
50 kgs x 10
70 kgs x 10
Incline press:
60 kgs x 4 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
40 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 4 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kgs x 10
40 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
17.5 kgs x 4 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Sunday, December 3, 2017
The 2017 Perth GPC Push/Pull
FORTY FIVE competitors from all over the state filled the warmup area of PTC Perth on this humid Sunday, a crowd of spectators already filling the seats in front of the platform. Even with this many entrants, the two lift meet was over in around four hours. And it showcased some of the most spectacular displays of strength this state has ever seen.
The day belonged to PTC's own Rait Sagor, who put up a monstrous 595 kilogram total with a 215 bench press and 380 deadlift. But there was plenty of talent across all classes, including another impressive crew from Bunbury. All the day's lifting has already been tabled and is available below:
I have to give a shout out to Richard Williams, the other competitor in my class, who I tried to keep up with on bench and who completed a comfortable-looking 170 press which was unfortunately red-lit for rushing a call.
Richard got his first 300 kilo deadlift today; a huge milestone for any lifter. Based on what I've seen I am certain he will press 200 before the end of next year. Maybe well before. And now there's also a guy in my weight class, creeping up on my modest deadlift record. Plus, Richard told me today (and the Hogg reminded me just now) he wants to do Strongman next year. Honestly, with this much talent brewing - and now crossing over - in to Strongman, it'll be PTC #1, #2 & #3 in every division soon enough.
It was my final competition for the year and I'm calling it a win. I didn't get a 500 kilogram total - my bench press just wasn't strong enough on the day - however I did pull that 330 deadlift I've had my sights on since the Perth Cup, for 495. And I would have been happy enough with that...
Except I learned, just as I was walking across the platform to pull my opener of 310, that I was about to make a sub-masters national record. So that 330 is now all the sweeter. I'm also in a lighter weight class while producing only 5-10 kilograms less than my best ever competition bench and deadlift; personal records I set as a super heavyweight. So that's another win.
Before I got to the platform I pulled 235 double overhand, and my last warmup was a beltless 290. Both technical personal records, and more wins.
I started this year with a detached tendon, and ended it with some of the best performances of my lifting career to date. I am now stronger, leaner and healthier than I've ever been. People told me this couldn't be done. Not in the time I did it in. They were wrong.
Bring on 2018, I say. Hurry up already.
The day belonged to PTC's own Rait Sagor, who put up a monstrous 595 kilogram total with a 215 bench press and 380 deadlift. But there was plenty of talent across all classes, including another impressive crew from Bunbury. All the day's lifting has already been tabled and is available below:
I have to give a shout out to Richard Williams, the other competitor in my class, who I tried to keep up with on bench and who completed a comfortable-looking 170 press which was unfortunately red-lit for rushing a call.
Richard got his first 300 kilo deadlift today; a huge milestone for any lifter. Based on what I've seen I am certain he will press 200 before the end of next year. Maybe well before. And now there's also a guy in my weight class, creeping up on my modest deadlift record. Plus, Richard told me today (and the Hogg reminded me just now) he wants to do Strongman next year. Honestly, with this much talent brewing - and now crossing over - in to Strongman, it'll be PTC #1, #2 & #3 in every division soon enough.
It was my final competition for the year and I'm calling it a win. I didn't get a 500 kilogram total - my bench press just wasn't strong enough on the day - however I did pull that 330 deadlift I've had my sights on since the Perth Cup, for 495. And I would have been happy enough with that...
Except I learned, just as I was walking across the platform to pull my opener of 310, that I was about to make a sub-masters national record. So that 330 is now all the sweeter. I'm also in a lighter weight class while producing only 5-10 kilograms less than my best ever competition bench and deadlift; personal records I set as a super heavyweight. So that's another win.
Before I got to the platform I pulled 235 double overhand, and my last warmup was a beltless 290. Both technical personal records, and more wins.
I started this year with a detached tendon, and ended it with some of the best performances of my lifting career to date. I am now stronger, leaner and healthier than I've ever been. People told me this couldn't be done. Not in the time I did it in. They were wrong.
Bring on 2018, I say. Hurry up already.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The Final Press: 1 Week Out
TAYLOR was on hand tonight to assist, having just bombed his second 252.5 kilogram squat. The first was solid though, and of course means young Tay Tay now has a stronger squat than yours truly.
Sunrise, sunset.
I asked him if he could call my benches, to better prepare for the comp. And it did not go well. I didn't wait for the 'start' call when I pressed 160, also sinking the bar into my chest. The rep was slow and energy-sapping. So I really shouldn't have tried 170 next... but I did. And this time I rushed the 'press' call! Feeling like a novice, I thanked him for his help and moved on to the rest of the routine.
I broke my own rule about failing in training, one week out from the comp. Let's just hope I can manage the 170 on Sunday... more than that, now, is pretty much guaranteed not to happen.
As always, though, my deadlift is strong. If I miss the mark on bench, I am pretty confident I can make up for it with a big pull, to reach a 500 total.
All in all, this has been a pretty good comp prep for me. No injuries, no illnesses... I didn't trash my program a few weeks out; with the exception of tonight's performance, it's been solid. All that's left to do now is rest, eat, and wait.
PRESS+ Tuesday November 28th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 2
145 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1
170 kgs x fail
Incline bench press:
100 kgs x 8, 8, 6
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10 - quit due to R shoulder strain
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 10, 8, 8 PR
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 12, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
47.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
Sunrise, sunset.
I asked him if he could call my benches, to better prepare for the comp. And it did not go well. I didn't wait for the 'start' call when I pressed 160, also sinking the bar into my chest. The rep was slow and energy-sapping. So I really shouldn't have tried 170 next... but I did. And this time I rushed the 'press' call! Feeling like a novice, I thanked him for his help and moved on to the rest of the routine.
I broke my own rule about failing in training, one week out from the comp. Let's just hope I can manage the 170 on Sunday... more than that, now, is pretty much guaranteed not to happen.
As always, though, my deadlift is strong. If I miss the mark on bench, I am pretty confident I can make up for it with a big pull, to reach a 500 total.
All in all, this has been a pretty good comp prep for me. No injuries, no illnesses... I didn't trash my program a few weeks out; with the exception of tonight's performance, it's been solid. All that's left to do now is rest, eat, and wait.
PRESS+ Tuesday November 28th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 2
145 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1
170 kgs x fail
Incline bench press:
100 kgs x 8, 8, 6
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10 - quit due to R shoulder strain
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 10, 8, 8 PR
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 12, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
47.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
Monday, November 27, 2017
Squat Sunday: Extra
THE State finals must have given me the squat bug. That and I just felt like I needed to squat. The training response from heavy squats is almost calculable, it's so great. And I have been neglecting my legs, I say it's to save my knees - which is true - but it's also true that squats have a psychological grip on me, more than any other movement or event I perform.
Feeling truly powerless, stapled by a bar you've just learned you're not strong enough to stand under, while the muscle fibres in your quadriceps slowly rip beneath your skin. It's not something I want to relive any time soon. So I dusted off the cambered bar and set up in a rack.
I was by myself in the gym. The enormity of PTC Perth is something to behold and I relished every minute; all the best metal tracks filled it's high ceilings as I took a couple of hundred kilograms for a ride. I stopped short of doing a single of 230, though it felt very do-able. I will save that for next fortnight, when I have less at stake. I wanted to do this now also because it's far enough away from the comp to allow me to recover sufficiently. I did not want to risk an injury this close to the day, even a minor one.
I got a new iPhone not so long ago and once I finished my session I realised that I no longer had the codes to lock up. So I sat out the front in my mighty purple van and waited for Sen and Sam to save me again.
SQUAT Sunday November 26th
Squats w/cambered bar:
50 kgs x 10
90 kgs x 8
130 kgs x 6
170 kgs x 4
190 kgs x 3
210 kgs x 2
HS calf raises:
40 kgs x 15
50 kgs x 15
60 kgs x 15
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 10
15 kgs x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Feeling truly powerless, stapled by a bar you've just learned you're not strong enough to stand under, while the muscle fibres in your quadriceps slowly rip beneath your skin. It's not something I want to relive any time soon. So I dusted off the cambered bar and set up in a rack.
I was by myself in the gym. The enormity of PTC Perth is something to behold and I relished every minute; all the best metal tracks filled it's high ceilings as I took a couple of hundred kilograms for a ride. I stopped short of doing a single of 230, though it felt very do-able. I will save that for next fortnight, when I have less at stake. I wanted to do this now also because it's far enough away from the comp to allow me to recover sufficiently. I did not want to risk an injury this close to the day, even a minor one.
I got a new iPhone not so long ago and once I finished my session I realised that I no longer had the codes to lock up. So I sat out the front in my mighty purple van and waited for Sen and Sam to save me again.
SQUAT Sunday November 26th
Squats w/cambered bar:
50 kgs x 10
90 kgs x 8
130 kgs x 6
170 kgs x 4
190 kgs x 3
210 kgs x 2
HS calf raises:
40 kgs x 15
50 kgs x 15
60 kgs x 15
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 10
15 kgs x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Sunday, November 26, 2017
The WASM 2017 State Championships
YOU KNEW for sure it was summer when you felt the heat beating off the slick concrete of Elizabeth Quay. The temperature created the perfect environment to further test this year's finalists for the WA Strongman state championships. This was the second time the Quay played host to a WA Strongman event, and the organisers and crowd came prepared. A small village of gazebos and tented merchandise tables looked out over the spectacle, and could be seen from Riverside drive.
Steve, being the only one of the three with a significant amount of strongman-specific training under his belt (and an already impressive under 80s Crossfit athlete), nonetheless found some very tough competition in his class. The mens under 90s was stacked with talent.
The tussle was close, and both athletes displayed obvious strengths and weaknesses across the five novel events. But Matt finally found an end to his winning streak. The final trial, a mixed loading event, ended in a massive 180 kilogram stone that proved too much for the mighty Matt, while Max's lightning quick car walk and impressive stonework clinched the win for him.
Cannot fucking wait.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Pull+ Thursday: The Final Pull
I HAVE been experiencing a lot of tightness in my upper lats and traps lately. I got some dry needling done a week ago but needed something more, and scheduling another physio appointment around work has been difficult lately. So I was very relieved when Sen agreed to walk on my back before training tonight.
"I can felt it!" She exclaimed as my vertebrae cracked, releasing the tension I'd been carrying all week. I sank into the floor a little. That was exactly what I needed. After this little adjustment, everything felt good. Well, almost everything. My pulls were strong, and my grip is back to it's previous best, maybe better. I've pulled 230 double overhand before, but this time it felt easier, and I know I could have done a second.
The only downside was the elbow pain that sprang up when doing meadows rows. Just the left one, and it wasn't further aggravated by any other row variations, so even though I dropped the third set of meadows rows on the left side, the session was still solid. I shirked on the cardio though.
I'm back down below 135 kilos bodyweight again, and according to my Fitbit scale, I'm on 27% body fat currently. I'm starting to see veins in my upper arms.
This was the last deadlift session before the GPC push/pull, and I'm feeling very confident of a 170 bench and 330 pull on the day, and hopefully more. At my current weight, that will confirm I'm stronger now than I have ever been.¬if_t=like
PULL+ Thursday November 23rd
75 kgs x 10
130 kgs x 5
180 kgs x 3
230 kgs x 1 - beltless, double overhand TPR
280 kgs x 1
320 kgs x 1, 1 PR?
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kgs x 3 x 10 - quit the 3rd set on the left arm due to injury
HS seated rows (p/h):
57.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 12 PR
DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
"I can felt it!" She exclaimed as my vertebrae cracked, releasing the tension I'd been carrying all week. I sank into the floor a little. That was exactly what I needed. After this little adjustment, everything felt good. Well, almost everything. My pulls were strong, and my grip is back to it's previous best, maybe better. I've pulled 230 double overhand before, but this time it felt easier, and I know I could have done a second.
The only downside was the elbow pain that sprang up when doing meadows rows. Just the left one, and it wasn't further aggravated by any other row variations, so even though I dropped the third set of meadows rows on the left side, the session was still solid. I shirked on the cardio though.
I'm back down below 135 kilos bodyweight again, and according to my Fitbit scale, I'm on 27% body fat currently. I'm starting to see veins in my upper arms.
This was the last deadlift session before the GPC push/pull, and I'm feeling very confident of a 170 bench and 330 pull on the day, and hopefully more. At my current weight, that will confirm I'm stronger now than I have ever been.¬if_t=like
PULL+ Thursday November 23rd
75 kgs x 10
130 kgs x 5
180 kgs x 3
230 kgs x 1 - beltless, double overhand TPR
280 kgs x 1
320 kgs x 1, 1 PR?
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kgs x 3 x 10 - quit the 3rd set on the left arm due to injury
HS seated rows (p/h):
57.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 12 PR
DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Press+ Tuesday: Penultimate Press Session
I HAVE more time. With the push/pull comp on Sunday, I have the opportunity to squeeze another bench press session in early next week and still be fresh for the event. So I am adding an attempt at 170 as part of my final press session. I'll hit this no later than next Tuesday.
Good old Perry was at PTC tonight. Perry has been a PTC Perth member since v1; situated in that tiny little premises over the road from where v3 is now. We had a chat about his various joint issues and rapidly approaching fortieth birthday. Yeah. We're all getting older, man. I told him I'd be joining him there soon.
I'm gonna be the biggest, strongest motherfucking forty year old I can be.
PRESS+ Tuesday November 21st
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
145 kgs x 1
162.5 kgs x 1, 1
Incline bench press:
100 kgs x 3 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15, 10, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kgs x 3 x 10
HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Good old Perry was at PTC tonight. Perry has been a PTC Perth member since v1; situated in that tiny little premises over the road from where v3 is now. We had a chat about his various joint issues and rapidly approaching fortieth birthday. Yeah. We're all getting older, man. I told him I'd be joining him there soon.
I'm gonna be the biggest, strongest motherfucking forty year old I can be.
PRESS+ Tuesday November 21st
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
145 kgs x 1
162.5 kgs x 1, 1
Incline bench press:
100 kgs x 3 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15, 10, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kgs x 3 x 10
HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Press+ Thursday: Smooth
TONIGHT'S press session was solid. I had some elbow niggles working towards the money sets, but they cleared up in good time. The doubles of 155 were smooth and comfortable. I'm looking forward to next week.
PRESS+ Thursday November 16th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
155 kgs x 3 x 2 TPR
Incline press:
100 kgs x 2 x 8 TPR
90 kgs x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 2 x 8, 6 TPR
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 15, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
42.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
PRESS+ Thursday November 16th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
65 kgs x 5
105 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
155 kgs x 3 x 2 TPR
Incline press:
100 kgs x 2 x 8 TPR
90 kgs x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
45 kgs x 2 x 8, 6 TPR
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 15, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
42.5 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Pull+ Tuesday: 3 Weeks Out
JUST a few weeks away now. Tonight was supposed to be two doubles, but I let the paranoia get to me after the shitty second rep. The bar caught on my sock a little, and that was all it took to screw the pull. I resolved to not risk failure with another attempt at a double, and just do one more. That final one was, in retrospect, pretty solid. I should have hit it again.
Next week I've programmed singles of 320. How many... I haven't decided yet. But it will be my last deadlift session before the comp. If I want to hit my targets, I need to make sure those pulls count.
PULL+ Tuesday November 14th
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 1
310 kgs x 2, 1
Meadows rows (l&r):
47.5 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
55 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine - u/hand grip:
full stack x 3 x 10
plate 10 x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Next week I've programmed singles of 320. How many... I haven't decided yet. But it will be my last deadlift session before the comp. If I want to hit my targets, I need to make sure those pulls count.
PULL+ Tuesday November 14th
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 1
310 kgs x 2, 1
Meadows rows (l&r):
47.5 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
55 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine - u/hand grip:
full stack x 3 x 10
plate 10 x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Events Saturday: Kong Checks In
THE MIGHTY Kong Kania is back home and will be training with the crew - and as much as he can - for the next few weeks. Much like myself, Kong hasn't trained yoke in a good while, so today we kept it sub-300 kilograms. Though, for added fun, I've begun turning at the end of the run when doing two laps with a given weight. A minor change that I believe may assist me to focus on breathing while also working my oblique abdominals. I have been neglecting the obliques and core work that I was doing for my diastasis recti, as part of my squat routine. That is because I've not been squatting at all, and I won't be squatting regularly for the foreseeable future. So I need to reintegrate it somewhere else in my weekly routine.
Kong's log press routine has him doing four rep sets and ten kilo increments - 70, 80, 90, and 100 kilograms. This sorta worked with my own program, so I worked with him but stopped after 90. I did this partly because my program has me doing 100 kilos next week and I didn't want to screw it up right out of the gate for the sake of ego. But also because Kong really wanted to make it competitive and now he has to wait another week.
I again arrived early today to see what assistance I could be to Jacqueline, who is diligently preparing for WASM states. She came so close to pressing a 60 kilogram log today. It was clearly frustrating for her, as 55 she could do comfortably and for reps.
The Lion showed up to see his ward, Alec, owning farmers walk today. 14 total runs of 20 meters with 100 kilos per hand. Carl's programming has gotten Alec so much stronger in the last six months, but the most credit, of course, must go to Alec himself for putting in the time and effort. He is the hardest working member of PTC Strongman... and he doesn't even use social media. Next year, he tells me, he'll be competing. He just wants to make sure he wins.
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 6
60 kgs x 4
70 kgs x 4
80 kgs x 4
90 kgs x 4
Yoke walk:
130 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
210 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
270 kgs x 20 meters
Kong's log press routine has him doing four rep sets and ten kilo increments - 70, 80, 90, and 100 kilograms. This sorta worked with my own program, so I worked with him but stopped after 90. I did this partly because my program has me doing 100 kilos next week and I didn't want to screw it up right out of the gate for the sake of ego. But also because Kong really wanted to make it competitive and now he has to wait another week.
I again arrived early today to see what assistance I could be to Jacqueline, who is diligently preparing for WASM states. She came so close to pressing a 60 kilogram log today. It was clearly frustrating for her, as 55 she could do comfortably and for reps.
The Lion showed up to see his ward, Alec, owning farmers walk today. 14 total runs of 20 meters with 100 kilos per hand. Carl's programming has gotten Alec so much stronger in the last six months, but the most credit, of course, must go to Alec himself for putting in the time and effort. He is the hardest working member of PTC Strongman... and he doesn't even use social media. Next year, he tells me, he'll be competing. He just wants to make sure he wins.
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 6
60 kgs x 4
70 kgs x 4
80 kgs x 4
90 kgs x 4
Yoke walk:
130 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
210 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
270 kgs x 20 meters
Thursday, November 9, 2017
PRESS+ Thursday: Bench is Boring
I'M SORRY, but it just is. I can't get excited about it... at least not until I'm back up to where I was in 2015. Till then, all these reps just feel insubstantial. Even though I'm pretty sure this is a new personal record for paused reps at this weight.
After the first triple I knew I couldn't do another triple, so stopped at two. But I went for a third rep with my final set. I completed it with assistance from Sam and Jon, so it wasn't a failed rep technically... but obviously I'm not counting it.
And I'm glad I've only programmed doubles of 155 kilos for next week and singles of 162.5 kilos the week after. I know I couldn't handle any more than that.
PRESS+ Thursday November 9th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
100 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
147.5 kgs x 3, 2, 2 TPR
Incline press:
90 kgs x 3 x 8 TPR
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
40 kgs x 8, 7, 5
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 8
After the first triple I knew I couldn't do another triple, so stopped at two. But I went for a third rep with my final set. I completed it with assistance from Sam and Jon, so it wasn't a failed rep technically... but obviously I'm not counting it.
And I'm glad I've only programmed doubles of 155 kilos for next week and singles of 162.5 kilos the week after. I know I couldn't handle any more than that.
PRESS+ Thursday November 9th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
100 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
147.5 kgs x 3, 2, 2 TPR
Incline press:
90 kgs x 3 x 8 TPR
DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
40 kgs x 8, 7, 5
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 8
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Pull+ Tuesday: Four Weeks Out
THE GPC Push/Pull is December 3rd.
PULL+ Tuesday November 7th
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 1
300 kgs x 3, 2
Meadows rows (l&r):
45 kgs x 3 x 10
plate 10 x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
PULL+ Tuesday November 7th
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 1
300 kgs x 3, 2
Meadows rows (l&r):
45 kgs x 3 x 10
plate 10 x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Events + Press+ Saturday
DAMN but I was tired this week. This was my first session back after Monsters. I didn't plan it that way. I slept for nearly fifteen solid hours mid-week, the night I was spose to resume my prep for the GPC push/pull. So I'm back to playing catchup. But it's what I'm used to. Both training and nutrition have been neglected of late. I'm back down below 135 kilos body weight, so I'm resuming the bulking diet as of now.
Solid session today. It felt good to get back under a yoke again after too long not training it at all. 250 didn't feel light, but it didn't feel heavy either. After this push/pull comp... you know the focus is returning to strongman for 2018.
Time to get back amongst it again.
Saturday November 4th
Yoke walk:
180 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
200 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
250 kgs x 20 meters
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 2
140 kgs x 4 x 3
Incline press:
80 kgs x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
40 kgs x 10, 7, 6 - stuffed this up, should have been sets of 8
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15, 10, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kgs x 6
40 kgs x 2 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
15 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Solid session today. It felt good to get back under a yoke again after too long not training it at all. 250 didn't feel light, but it didn't feel heavy either. After this push/pull comp... you know the focus is returning to strongman for 2018.
Time to get back amongst it again.
Saturday November 4th
Yoke walk:
180 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
200 kgs x 2 x 20 meters
250 kgs x 20 meters
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 2
140 kgs x 4 x 3
Incline press:
80 kgs x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
EZ bar skull crushers:
40 kgs x 10, 7, 6 - stuffed this up, should have been sets of 8
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15, 10, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kgs x 6
40 kgs x 2 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
15 kgs x 3 x 10
bike 5 minutes @ +50 rpm
Sunday, October 29, 2017
The First Static Monsters, Perth
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Brilliant pictures thanks to Mick Everitt, Pixel Artist |

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Jack 'The Baby-faced Assassin' Opferkutch of WASM |
I will start with the athletes. Matt Lynch Blanch, Matt van Beuningen, Kristy Barr, Kezia Duncan, Steve van Steytler, and John Champion. Thank you all for coming out and bringing your A game for this event. I know every one of you gave it your all, producing some truly dramatic scenes and incredible lifts to mark this historic occasion in the WA strength sports calendar.

Mick Everitt is easily today's MVP. Mick stepped up (pardon the pun) when the Yak could not. He loaded his truck with about half a tonne of plates and apparatus from PTC on Friday and met me on location at 8am to help setup. He assisted with unloading the near tonne of assorted gear gathered for the occasion, erected Kyle's gazebos, and helped hang the banner all in good time.
But he wasn't even close to done. Mick is a pro-photographer, and spent the next two plus hours taking footage of the event! I've included a collection of some of my favourites here, but the whole Facebook album can be viewed by clicking this link.

Kezia Duncan arrived well ahead of schedule and was first to sign-off and weigh-in. While my attention was divided by the various tasks that needed completing before kick-off, she bought me breakfast. I didn't plan breakfast.

Gabor Szivek is an old mate who has helped me with all the comps I've run. He helped with the banner, he kept score, and did the math when my brain failed me, more than a couple of times. When all was done, before he left he said "See you for the next comp." That's a fucking asset, and a true friend.
Steve van Steytler is a star on and off the platform. Steve brought 160-plus kilograms of bumper plates for use in the deadlift (and every kilo was needed!), also helped get the banner up and assisted with loading when not lifting himself.
Kyle and Kong couldn't make it, but it was Kyle's gazebos that provided shade and a place to warm up for the athletes, and Kong's cast iron 25s added another hundred much-needed kilos to the weight tally. Thanks to you both, and I know you would have made it if you could.
Also thanks to Jarek Walus for the gritty, behind-the-scenes style vids of today's axle deadlifts. Mate, I'm sorry the sponsorship deal with your former employer fell through, but your help and support is always appreciated and I know you'll be one of the first to put your hand up next time. Thank you.
A shout-out to Nathan the Yak, who'd planned to show up early at my place to help move gear. Unfortunately for him, his unsafe workplace had other plans. Nathan broke his knee when he fell into a recently-dug, un-demarcated, knee-deep hole while on late shift two nights prior. You were missed today, Yak. I hope you are up and walking again soon.

PTC Perth and the Rucci brothers, for so many things, but today it was their logs, axles and spin-locks that made sure the lifts were both heavy and safe. We were able to fit over 400 kilograms of regular plates on that axle, and the 12 inch Stand & Submit log is spectacular to watch in action, especially when loaded to 140 and more kilos! PTC Perth provide some of the very best training and competition equipment for me and the PTC Strongman crew to get stronger.

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the rage. |
Last but not least: Chad Croft and the Australian Strongman Alliance, for reaching out to me last year with the proposition of representing the ASA, and providing more opportunities for West Australian strength athletes to progress in the sport. Thank you for the opportunity.
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The day's biggest lifts |
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
PRESS+ Wednesday: On the Boil
THIS morning I drove to O'Connor to collect the medallions I commissioned for Static Monsters. Les dropped off the platforms the night before. They are even better than I'd hoped; he improved on my basic design by adding handles and reinforcing both platforms with nearly 150 screws each. These things are heavy and will last for a long time.
The medals are awesome. I actually got a few messages from people over east who either have run or are about to run comps, asking where I'd gotten them made. The thing I'm most excited about, however, is the banner. For this I approached the one and only Brad Humble of Bunbury, on advice from the Ruccis. Brad will be delivering it himself when he's in Perth in a week or so.
Last weekend at the clinic, the crew had a play around with the new plates, and I had another play with them while log pressing on Sunday. I am really looking forward to October 28th! But I still have plenty of things to tick off my checklist before the big day rolls around... getting stronger being just one of them. Getting more sleep would be another.
PRESS+ Wednesday October 11th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
90 kgs x 3
110 kgs x 1
132.5 kgs x 3 x 4
Incline bench press:
80 kgs x 2 x 10, 9 TPR
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
EZ bar skull-crushers:
40 kgs x 10, 6, 6
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 15, 10
The medals are awesome. I actually got a few messages from people over east who either have run or are about to run comps, asking where I'd gotten them made. The thing I'm most excited about, however, is the banner. For this I approached the one and only Brad Humble of Bunbury, on advice from the Ruccis. Brad will be delivering it himself when he's in Perth in a week or so.
Last weekend at the clinic, the crew had a play around with the new plates, and I had another play with them while log pressing on Sunday. I am really looking forward to October 28th! But I still have plenty of things to tick off my checklist before the big day rolls around... getting stronger being just one of them. Getting more sleep would be another.
PRESS+ Wednesday October 11th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
90 kgs x 3
110 kgs x 1
132.5 kgs x 3 x 4
Incline bench press:
80 kgs x 2 x 10, 9 TPR
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
EZ bar skull-crushers:
40 kgs x 10, 6, 6
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 15, 10
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
PULL+ Monday: 285 kg x 3 x 3
THIS is more like it. Bangin classic rock tunes on the stereo and heavy metal falling from... waist height. I went back looking for a video of the first time I pulled a triple of this weight. It was pretty slow and very ugly. Now I'm pulling that weight quicker, and three times the total volume. It's fun to look back and see how much progress you have made.
I asked Taylor to vid the first set. I wasn't going to vid all of them, just the first one, coz I assumed that would be the best of the three. In fact it was the worst. After the first rep I didn't reset, and let the bar control the second pull. I corrected and competed the set, and made sure the next two were better.¬if_t=like
The rest of the session went smoothly. I even finished off with some cardio. Glad to be able to rest before hitting the press hard again on Wednesday.
PULL+ Monday October 9
70 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 1
255 kgs x 1
285 kgs x 3 x 3 PR
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB lateral raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated cable rows, underhand:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Cardio: assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm¬if_t=like
The rest of the session went smoothly. I even finished off with some cardio. Glad to be able to rest before hitting the press hard again on Wednesday.
PULL+ Monday October 9
70 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 1
255 kgs x 1
285 kgs x 3 x 3 PR
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB lateral raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated cable rows, underhand:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Cardio: assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
The Weekend & Beyond
SATURDAY was the last opportunity for PTC Strong folk to prepare for the WASM qualifier, October 14th. We have two competitors, both very new to PTC: Kyle and Jacqueline. Jacqueline's actually been training for this comp for several weeks now. Her schedule means she can't attend Saturday clinics. I found all this out during our conversation Sunday. She told me she's keen to get herself a PTCSM shirt, as they are so badass. And of course she is, because they are. Meanwhile, Kyle has just started but has taken to strongman events like an exuberant future champion. I have no doubt he will dominate the under 90s novice division and move on to state finals, if he wants it.
Mathew, Hightower, the Lion and the Yak were also in attendance. Carl's rehab is done and he's starting to slowly add weight to his farmers walks. Alec was a no-show, but he's been training hard for a while now and it's beginning to drag him down. I'd say a week or two of down time is both justified and well deserved at this point. Especially since he's decided he's not strong enough to compete this year.
Nathan and Ryan are not competing, though Nathan is keen to jump in next year after he's built a bit more strength and ability.
PRESS Sunday October 8
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 8
65 kgs x 3
85 kgs x 3 x 7
Cardio: assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Mathew, Hightower, the Lion and the Yak were also in attendance. Carl's rehab is done and he's starting to slowly add weight to his farmers walks. Alec was a no-show, but he's been training hard for a while now and it's beginning to drag him down. I'd say a week or two of down time is both justified and well deserved at this point. Especially since he's decided he's not strong enough to compete this year.
Nathan and Ryan are not competing, though Nathan is keen to jump in next year after he's built a bit more strength and ability.
PRESS Sunday October 8
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 8
65 kgs x 3
85 kgs x 3 x 7
Cardio: assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Thursday, October 5, 2017
PRESS+ Wednesday: Fat & Healthy
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Sweet pic. |
GETTING my training back on track after crashing out from sleeplessness last week. I still have a log press and a squat session I need to get done this week if I want to keep to the program. The program is all. I have to improve my total. I must strengthen my bench, overhead press and deadlift.
I've had this mantra going in my head for so long that it didn't dawn on me till this session that I am now benching heavy with no shoulder pain. None. And I've been doing so for some weeks. Much like some of the injuries I sustain, I didn't notice it at the time. Pain-free benching is something I've not been able to do since August 2015; it has taken literally years, but the rotator cuff tears have finally healed, and whatever was bothering my bursa isn't bothering it anymore.
I am pretty happy about this, and about how healed, healthy and strong my body is feeling in general right now at 140 kilos, give or take. Must be time to fuck it up again.
That was a joke.
PRESS+ Wednesday October 4th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
95 kgs x 3
125 kgs x 4 x 4
Incline bench press:
80 kgs x 2 x 10, 8
DB front raise (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
EZ bar skull-crushers:
35 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 20, 15, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kgs x 3 x 10 - misload, shoulda been 42.5
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
PULL Monday: Like a Zombie
I HADN'T slept properly for a week. Lack of sleep is not good... I'm pretty sure I ran a red light on Sunday. Last night I lumbered into the gym and did half my Pull Plus routine in a fugue state. Dale tried several times to communicate some basic thing to me (like 'good lifting') and for several moments I just looked at him blankly, not comprehending. I think we talked about CPAP machines for a bit before I threw the towel in, with twelve more sets left to do. More sleep needed. I am no longer stalled, at least. Just moving very slowly.
And the ply is sorted; I collected it from Bunnings before heading to training. Now I just need to construct the platforms. That, I think, is the final piece to Static Monsters. The banner is bought and in production. The medals are also in production and should be ready for collecting early next week. I have 300 additional kilograms worth of plates, purchased just for this event. The regulation logs and axle are being provided by PTC Strongman, and the Wonderboy Steve van Steytler has generously offered to loan us a bunch more weight, ensuring a +400 kilogram deadlift can be accommodated on the day.
The smell of fresh cut wood permeated my van during the drive home. This, and the knowledge that everything is slowly coming together, are maybe why I slept a little better last night.
PULL Monday October 2nd
stretch & foam roller
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 2 x 4
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 10 - these were shit
HS seated rows p/h (neutral):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
And the ply is sorted; I collected it from Bunnings before heading to training. Now I just need to construct the platforms. That, I think, is the final piece to Static Monsters. The banner is bought and in production. The medals are also in production and should be ready for collecting early next week. I have 300 additional kilograms worth of plates, purchased just for this event. The regulation logs and axle are being provided by PTC Strongman, and the Wonderboy Steve van Steytler has generously offered to loan us a bunch more weight, ensuring a +400 kilogram deadlift can be accommodated on the day.
The smell of fresh cut wood permeated my van during the drive home. This, and the knowledge that everything is slowly coming together, are maybe why I slept a little better last night.
PULL Monday October 2nd
stretch & foam roller
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
275 kgs x 2 x 4
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 10 - these were shit
HS seated rows p/h (neutral):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
PRESS+ Tuesday: Vigour
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Image perfected by Mick of XLPixels |
The curious thing is that Sen already knew my name, but not that I am the PTC Strongman coach.
To save my joints I have removed log clean-press from this routine. This will give me a mandate to work in on Saturday with the team. I also plan on deadlifting during the clinic, as I need to squat this week (most likely Thursday). Losing the overhead aspect is not the only change I have made to this 'Press Plus' routine. The rest is as per the template I wrote months ago, which has served me well, but I have dropped the fourth set on a couple of exercises, constraining the accessory movements to eighteen sets total in expectation of the progressive overload taking its toll. I intend to work up to 100 kilogram incline benches and 60 per hand Hammer Strength chest presses for sets of eight to ten.
I also intend to get a proper night's sleep some time soon, but it's been difficult lately. Muscles repair and grow when at rest, and it's vitally important that I sleep during intense training cycles like this one. Evidently the melatonin has been working... I need more.
PRESS+ Tuesday September 26th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
95 kgs x 3
117.5 kgs x 4 x 4
Incline bench press:
75 kgs x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated French press:
28 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 2 x 20, 10
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 3 x 8
Sunday, September 24, 2017
PTC Strongfolk. This isn't even half of us! |
After the Cup I spent a couple of days sitting around and found myself impatient to get back into training once more. The mind was more than willing... the flesh, however, was weak. Launching a new template - one that will set me up for Static Monsters and the GPC Push/Pull - I began with Press. I worked up to some strong, paused 5-rep sets of 110 kilos, then moved on to Log. And that was where the impact of the weekend's competition made itself apparent. My joints instantly hated the exercise, and my elbows had had enough after just two sets of 80. I had programmed three.
Too much? Nah! |
Shaahni Carter has joined the crew, and this Saturday's clinic was her first session. The last few weeks, PTC Strongman membership has also snowballed. I now need more than two hands to count all our members! Coaching them has become my main concern during the few hours I have with them each Saturday, which is why I sporadically do my own training on Sundays now.
Full House: 3 stations inside & another outside, all working at once! |
The final WASM qualifier for 2017 is in three weeks, The Static Monsters is Saturday October 28th, and the WASM state finals are pegged for mid-November. PTC Strongfolk will be entering all of them. Its certainly going to be a busy end of the year for me, but I love what I do. And Saturday was another reminder of why.
Mick is enjoying deadlifting; he's graduated to a regular barbell, and he's pulling from the floor. But his gait and grip were both too narrow, and so he looked pinched and uncomfortable in the hole. I asked him to take a wider, more natural stance and place his hands a little further apart. Watching him pull his next set - and seeing the smile come upon his face as he realised that that was exactly what was off - I find that profoundly satisfying. Mick went on to pull a triple of 150: a massive new personal record for the Behemoth.
There were many gutsy performances from the team that day. I caught a bunch of them on video, but I'm unable to upload the goddamn thing as my internet speed is currently woefully slow. I left it to upload overnight last night - all three minutes and something-seconds of it - and at about 90% complete, it timed out. So for now you'll just have to be satisfied with pictures.
PRESS Wednesday September 20th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 5
90 kgs x 2
110 kgs x 4 x 5
Log clean-press:
45 kgs x 5
65 kgs x 5
80 kgs x 2 x 8
PULL+ Sunday September 24th
Deadlifts (barbell):
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 3
225 kgs x 2
265 kgs x 3 x 4 TPR
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 8
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kgs x 3 x 10
Cable row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 3 x 10
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 3 x 10
Super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Thursday, September 21, 2017
The Perth Cup 2017
I HAD a good self-congratulatory session on Facebook Sunday, when the lifting was over. Now its time for the analysis. And as always, there's a lot of room for improvement. Here's how my lifts went:
I have a new challenge when I squat; the higher I wear my belt, the harder it is to hold my breath while in the hole. I now also have a tendency to go light-headed. This is what happened on my third attempt - a 255 kilo squat, and what would have been a new personal record. I didn't pass out, but I needed assistance racking the bar and walking away from the mono. My vision was a little blurry and I was shaky for a minute or so afterwards. I am strongly considering just squatting beltless in future.
Next came bench press, and I opened on an easy 150, with a plan to press 170 for my third. But I blew my second attempt by anticipating the 'press' call, and so retook 160. I was angry, and it flew up. I racked it for three white lights, but an easy 10 kilos was scrubbed from my potential total.
Deadlift is my pet event, as most people know. I was again the heaviest puller of the competition, with 320. But that was all I had left in me. I lowered my expectations on my third attempt, aiming for 330 to finish where I'd really hoped for 340 (or more). This was the second time I've tried to pull 330 in the last fortnight, and for the second time I failed. Its is an obvious indicator that I need to return to base-building.
While competitors travelled from all over - including a massive contingent from Dungeon Powerlifting, Bunbury - the day belonged to PTC, with a host of members testing their mettle and breaking gym records across the board. And we now have yet another lifter with an +800 kilogram total! Congratulations to Dale Smith for an excellent performance, made doubly impressive by the fact that he'd been rehabbing a patella injury in the months prior to the comp. He and Daniel Part (who just missed out on his own 800 total due to a grip issue on his last pull) have both scored invites to Pro Raw X.
For me, the spark to keep pushing was lit by none other than Dan Rucci, with his suggestion that I prep for the GPC Push/Pull in early December. While I had already intended to return my focus to Strongman - more specifically, preparing for the Static Monsters on October 28th - this fits in nicely with my other goals. And I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. I feel like I should do my best to salvage what I can from this year, competition-wise. I'm keeping my sights set on that 350 deadlift... and let's add a 200 kilo bench press to the bucket list for good measure. Only the former stands a realistic chance of happening before 2017 is through.
I have a new challenge when I squat; the higher I wear my belt, the harder it is to hold my breath while in the hole. I now also have a tendency to go light-headed. This is what happened on my third attempt - a 255 kilo squat, and what would have been a new personal record. I didn't pass out, but I needed assistance racking the bar and walking away from the mono. My vision was a little blurry and I was shaky for a minute or so afterwards. I am strongly considering just squatting beltless in future.
Next came bench press, and I opened on an easy 150, with a plan to press 170 for my third. But I blew my second attempt by anticipating the 'press' call, and so retook 160. I was angry, and it flew up. I racked it for three white lights, but an easy 10 kilos was scrubbed from my potential total.
Deadlift is my pet event, as most people know. I was again the heaviest puller of the competition, with 320. But that was all I had left in me. I lowered my expectations on my third attempt, aiming for 330 to finish where I'd really hoped for 340 (or more). This was the second time I've tried to pull 330 in the last fortnight, and for the second time I failed. Its is an obvious indicator that I need to return to base-building.
While competitors travelled from all over - including a massive contingent from Dungeon Powerlifting, Bunbury - the day belonged to PTC, with a host of members testing their mettle and breaking gym records across the board. And we now have yet another lifter with an +800 kilogram total! Congratulations to Dale Smith for an excellent performance, made doubly impressive by the fact that he'd been rehabbing a patella injury in the months prior to the comp. He and Daniel Part (who just missed out on his own 800 total due to a grip issue on his last pull) have both scored invites to Pro Raw X.
For me, the spark to keep pushing was lit by none other than Dan Rucci, with his suggestion that I prep for the GPC Push/Pull in early December. While I had already intended to return my focus to Strongman - more specifically, preparing for the Static Monsters on October 28th - this fits in nicely with my other goals. And I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. I feel like I should do my best to salvage what I can from this year, competition-wise. I'm keeping my sights set on that 350 deadlift... and let's add a 200 kilo bench press to the bucket list for good measure. Only the former stands a realistic chance of happening before 2017 is through.
Friday, September 8, 2017
PULL Thursday: Take That, Posterior
SEVEN months post-surgery, and my grip is now officially just as strong, if not stronger than it's ever been, pulling 225 for three, double overhand. I think my best is 230 for two.
The triple of 275 kgs was supposed to be touch and go (and there was supposed to be two of them), but instead I reset for each pull. Wearing my belt higher now to keep Quaid secure means I have a much harder time trying to breathe in the bottom of the pull. It's going to make high reps a whole lot more challenging.
I also stopped after the first money set as I felt like I was about to strain something... and I was right. I moved on to bent-over rows, picked up the barbell, and promptly strained a lumbar. After a couple of minutes' rest I belted up and got on with the routine coz I'm anardkent, but it certainly slowed me down. The session took over two hours to complete, even with fewer sets than standard. At lighter weights I'd be doing four of each movement, so 20 sets of accessory work in total.
This morning my lower posterior felt like it had been in a car wreck. Glorious.
More pressing Saturday.
PULL+ Thursday September 7th
Stretch & foam roller
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 5
225 kgs x 3 - double overhand, no straps, no belt. A new grip PR I think...
255 kgs x 1 - no belt
275 kgs x 3
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 8
HS seated rows (neutral):
75 kgs x 2 x 8
60 kgs x 10
Seated cable rows (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 8
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kgs x 3 x 8 equal PR
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
The triple of 275 kgs was supposed to be touch and go (and there was supposed to be two of them), but instead I reset for each pull. Wearing my belt higher now to keep Quaid secure means I have a much harder time trying to breathe in the bottom of the pull. It's going to make high reps a whole lot more challenging.
I also stopped after the first money set as I felt like I was about to strain something... and I was right. I moved on to bent-over rows, picked up the barbell, and promptly strained a lumbar. After a couple of minutes' rest I belted up and got on with the routine coz I'm anardkent, but it certainly slowed me down. The session took over two hours to complete, even with fewer sets than standard. At lighter weights I'd be doing four of each movement, so 20 sets of accessory work in total.
This morning my lower posterior felt like it had been in a car wreck. Glorious.
More pressing Saturday.
PULL+ Thursday September 7th
Stretch & foam roller
75 kgs x 10
125 kgs x 5
175 kgs x 5
225 kgs x 3 - double overhand, no straps, no belt. A new grip PR I think...
255 kgs x 1 - no belt
275 kgs x 3
Bent-over barbell rows (overhand):
115 kgs x 3 x 8
HS seated rows (neutral):
75 kgs x 2 x 8
60 kgs x 10
Seated cable rows (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 8
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kgs x 3 x 8 equal PR
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Squat & Bench Tuesday: Worth the Squeeze?
I DON'T know if this approach is going to work. Again I am flying blind, relying on my own programming abilities and just paying attention to how my body reacts. I need to squeeze as much comp prep into the time I have before the Perth Cup without burning out or showing up on the day still not recovered.
So, with this in mind, the strategy for the next seven days is to hit the three movements on a shorter rotation and sometimes in combination with each other, like tonight. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday. I compete on Sunday September 17th.
Thursday I will deadlift 275 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Saturday I will squat 230 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Tuesday I will deadlift 300 kgs for doubles and press 140 kgs for doubles
Tonight's paused doubles of 130 stopped with a single when I began to notice some weakness at the wrists. It's a technical personal record simply as I've not done this many paused doubles on bench, ever. Incidentally, I believe it's also the max number of reps I've performed of this weight touch and go, in 2015, when my bench was a strong as it's ever been... certainly a lot stronger than it is currently.
SQUAT & BENCH Tuesday September 5th
Squats (competition):
bar x 10
80 kgs x 8
130 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
200 kgs x 2 x 3
Wenning belt squat:
bar x 8
50 kgs x 8
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 4 x 2, 1 TPR
So, with this in mind, the strategy for the next seven days is to hit the three movements on a shorter rotation and sometimes in combination with each other, like tonight. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday. I compete on Sunday September 17th.
Thursday I will deadlift 275 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Saturday I will squat 230 kgs for triples, then follow the current template
Tuesday I will deadlift 300 kgs for doubles and press 140 kgs for doubles
Tonight's paused doubles of 130 stopped with a single when I began to notice some weakness at the wrists. It's a technical personal record simply as I've not done this many paused doubles on bench, ever. Incidentally, I believe it's also the max number of reps I've performed of this weight touch and go, in 2015, when my bench was a strong as it's ever been... certainly a lot stronger than it is currently.
SQUAT & BENCH Tuesday September 5th
Squats (competition):
bar x 10
80 kgs x 8
130 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
200 kgs x 2 x 3
Wenning belt squat:
bar x 8
50 kgs x 8
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 4 x 2, 1 TPR
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Events Saturday: All In
![]() |
Half the PTC Strongman crew at today's clinic. |
The crowd was energised, and I had a full dance card and two weeks of my own training to try and make up for, so I was extremely lucky that so many of the team were there to help the newer members. And there are several greenhorns in the mix now, one of whom is Matt. Or Mathew #2 I guess.
This Matt plays rugby and wants to get bigger and stronger for next season, which is January 2018. Naturally, this is going to happen now he's joined PTC Strongman. Carl got him started on a smaller log for clean press as the 12 incher was proving too cumbersome for him to learn the technique properly. Within twenty minutes, Matt was back using the national spec log and lapping, rolling and pressing it like he'd been here all year.
Matt #2 is one of two newbies who arrived last weekend when I was MIA, and got a thorough introduction from Carl. The Lion provided valuable coaching in my absence last week and was there for more of the same today. Steve and Alec also showed their quality, instructing Matt, Mick and Nathan in the finer points of yoke walk and heavy sack picking.¬if_id=1504354830442867
It's a fact: the Yak is back, with a lower back that is no longer whack. We spoke about his treatment and the daily hip mobility exercises prescribed by his new physiotherapist. He and Mick got started with some axle deadlifts before moving on to log press, yoke and other events. This was Mick's first real deadlift session too; axle, from the floor, for three sets of eight at 125 kilograms. Nathan had the same scheme but at 140. The weight did not seem a challenge for either of them (not that it should be), but the axle does add a new dimension to the pull and they both will need more regular work with this apparatus.
I learned today that the Behemoth Mick has met, in their hotel rooms, two of my favourite metal bands; Opeth and Lamb of God. How cool is that?! The mammoth crew at today's session was super-charged by Trivium's Silence in the Snow amongst the usual, auditory pastiche of ACDC, something I think was Kanye West and Beyoncé, cut with 90s commercial dance tracks.
We all dropped our stuff to watch Daniel Part bench 200 kilograms for a very comfortable-looking paused triple, with a slingshot. I am looking forward to seeing what he does in a fortnight at the Perth Cup.¬if_t=video_processed¬if_id=1504352891543388
Of course I was not training strongman events today. I have too much to catch up on thanks to the down time I've had these last two weeks. I'd had hopes of training at PTC South Melbourne while I was over east last week, but that didn't happen. I was a mess and had no idea just how sick I actually was until I went for a walk. I couldn't get 500 meters from my hotel without becoming disorientated, sweating profusely and needing to sit down... and it was freezing in Melbourne. Then I realised I'd put my watch on upside down. Most of the time I was there I spent sleeping or chilling in front of Netflix with a couple of friends and a bunch of cold and flu meds. It certainly put a damper on my holiday. But more importantly, it really fucked up my comp prep.
So, the usual, really. Yeah, this is kinda what happens to not just me, but notably me, typically a few weeks out from a comp. I get sick. Regardless, I still pulled 310 today pretty comfortably. I should have either stopped there (which is what I advised people would be the smart thing to do), or gone for 320 to finish the session. Instead I went for 330, as per my original plan for this week. I didn't get it past my knees.
Still reckon I'll pull that and more in a fortnight though.
PULL+ Saturday September 2nd
70 kgs x 10
120 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
220 kgs x 3
270 kgs x 1
310 kgs x 1 TPR
330 kgs x FAIL
Bent-over BB rows (overhand):
110 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows p/h (neutral):
70 kgs x 3 x 8 TPR
Seated row cable machine (underhand):
full stack (200 lbs) x 3 x 10
Meadows rows l&r:
50 kgs x 3 x 8
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 3 x 20
Press Thursday: Not All Downside
PRESS+ Thursday August 31st
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
150 kgs x 1
155 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1 TPR
Incline BB bench press:
70 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
Seated French press:
30 kgs x 3 x 10 PR
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 20
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kgs x 4 x 6 PR
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 4 x 8 PR
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 1
150 kgs x 1
155 kgs x 1
160 kgs x 1 TPR
Incline BB bench press:
70 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
Seated French press:
30 kgs x 3 x 10 PR
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 20
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kgs x 4 x 6 PR
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kgs x 4 x 8 PR
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Events Saturday: What We Do Between Injuries...
THIS was a pretty busy clinic considering more than half the crew are currently nursing injuries. The Lion, who also injured his bicep tendon (his in March of this year), has not been around much of late; this was his first clinic appearance in some months. He tells me he's also been crook lately, and I concluded that his rehab has not been going as well as we'd like.
Mick has just bounced back from his back issue a few weeks earlier and was keen to apply himself today. After some discussion with his primary coach and physio, Dan Rucci, I was pleased to watch Mick perform some straight bar deadlifts for the first time since joining the team. While I did have to cap his weight at well below 100 kilos, I think Mick was just happy pulling something other than the hexbar for a change.
Mathew hasn't been around much lately as his hips and posterior chain are all kinds of messed up. This is a condition he's had all his life, I expect. The training brings these issues to the fore and makes them near impossible not to address. It was great to see him moving some weight and doing it comfortably, with technical advice dished out by PTCSM's oldest member and resident physio, Ryan aka 'Hightower'. Ryan, notably, is not one of the injured many.
But Nathan is. It was his second clinic and the back complaint he mentioned last time was, predictably, still holding him back. Which means he needs to quit what he's doing and get that checked out. I don't allow people to train through injuries. I was even more concerned to learn that Nathan's legs are not the same length, and he should be wearing orthotics. I advised him that this sport will exacerbate otherwise minor impediments of this nature, and in addition to the info I gave him last week about getting regular physiotherapy, it was imperative that he sort this stuff out before continuing with his strongman events training.
Alec's calf tear from just before the WASM August qualifier is almost one hundred per cent, he tells me, which is excellent news. He is currently in a deload phase with plans to ramp up again a little closer to the next competition, scheduled for some time in September.
My focus, of course, is still on the Perth Cup. And my next deadlift session... which may be at PTC Headquarters in Melbourne.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
PRESS+ Wednesday: Doing it Right
I JUST kept on hitting paused triples tonight. I'd programmed at least four sets, but with the removal of axle overhead press from the routine I discovered last session that I had more in the tank, so I used it and did six. Solid. Reworking the template (again) now.
PRESS+ Wednesday August 16th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 8
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 1
135 kgs x 6 x 3
Incline BB press:
67.5 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated French press:
25 kgs x 4 x 10
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
47.5 kgs x 4 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
17.5 kgs x 3 x 10
PRESS+ Wednesday August 16th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 8
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 1
135 kgs x 6 x 3
Incline BB press:
67.5 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Seated French press:
25 kgs x 4 x 10
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
47.5 kgs x 4 x 8
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
17.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
PULL+ Tuesday: Moment of Truth
PEOPLE who know me know how much I enjoy deadlifting heavy. It's something I haven't been able to do all year. I am certain people are also tired of reading me harp on about this injury that's blighted most of my year, as far as competing is concerned.
What people don't know, coz it's not something I've ever been moved to write about before, is that my family don't support what I do. After this last injury, where friends and relative strangers were offering words of encouragement on social media, my own mother called me up one morning and told me to quit. We haven't spoken since.
These last six months haven't just been rehabilitation. The first 30 years of my life I wasn't a lifter. In my mind I fought a steady stream of reasoned arguments for quitting this life and returning to the person I used to be. The defeatist in me could have won.
Instead, I trained harder and longer. I ate bigger. I programmed smarter. I started out with the measly 1 kilogram bicep curls that the surgeon prescribed, six weeks after the surgery itself. This was March. Fucking March, I was a fat weak 130 kilograms. In March, people who know what they're talking about told me to expect it to take a year or more to come back to full strength. I did it in half that time.
Tonight I pulled 305 like a warmup, because it was. I'm getting warmed up for Perth Cup.
350 falls in September.¬if_t=video_processed¬if_id=1502810353742162
PULL+ Tuesday August 15th
70 kgs x 10
120 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
220 kgs x 3
250 kgs x 1
275 kgs x 1
305 kgs x 1
Bent-over BB rows (overhand):
105 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h, neutral):
65 kgs x 4 x 8
Seated rows (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 4 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 4 x 20
hardlio cardio: assault bike 30 seconds @ +80 rpm
What people don't know, coz it's not something I've ever been moved to write about before, is that my family don't support what I do. After this last injury, where friends and relative strangers were offering words of encouragement on social media, my own mother called me up one morning and told me to quit. We haven't spoken since.
These last six months haven't just been rehabilitation. The first 30 years of my life I wasn't a lifter. In my mind I fought a steady stream of reasoned arguments for quitting this life and returning to the person I used to be. The defeatist in me could have won.
Instead, I trained harder and longer. I ate bigger. I programmed smarter. I started out with the measly 1 kilogram bicep curls that the surgeon prescribed, six weeks after the surgery itself. This was March. Fucking March, I was a fat weak 130 kilograms. In March, people who know what they're talking about told me to expect it to take a year or more to come back to full strength. I did it in half that time.
Tonight I pulled 305 like a warmup, because it was. I'm getting warmed up for Perth Cup.
350 falls in September.¬if_t=video_processed¬if_id=1502810353742162
PULL+ Tuesday August 15th
70 kgs x 10
120 kgs x 5
170 kgs x 5
220 kgs x 3
250 kgs x 1
275 kgs x 1
305 kgs x 1
Bent-over BB rows (overhand):
105 kgs x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h, neutral):
65 kgs x 4 x 8
Seated rows (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
Meadows rows (l&r):
40 kgs x 4 x 10
super-set w/Face-pulls:
plate 10 x 4 x 20
hardlio cardio: assault bike 30 seconds @ +80 rpm
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Press+ Saturday: Meet the Yak & My Pasty Butt
TODAY'S session takes a back seat to the advent of Nathan, who comes with the built-in alias 'the Yak.' Nathan hails from Two Rocks - fifty minutes drive each way. He says that, having lived remotely all his life, he's used to long commutes. Obviously not all of our members live in places convenient to PTC Perth; there are plenty, like Kong and Nathan, who invest the time because they want to train with the best equipment, and learn from some of the best in the state.
So our team gains another promising new member! I'll be updating the PTC SM athlete bios in due course. First let's give Nathan more opportunity to show his mettle. His was a light session today; for all his enthusiasm, the fella did just compete a week ago... and managed to injure his back doing so.
Ah yes, that's right, 'the Yak' was in the mix at the WASM qualifier also. Already comp experienced. Excellent to see. But, as I told him, even if my crew were not either working or sick at home today, they'd be forgiven for not training this soon after a competition anyhow, and he should most definitely be seeking treatment for his complaint and not attempting to train through it.
Hours beforehand, Ryan and Mat were in the gym doing some overhead press. I recruited them to spot me as I did my money sets on bench. I'm glad I did, as Ryan has had enough PL comp experience to know when a press hasn't been paused long enough, and at 140 kilograms, mine were not. Bad sign. I immediately shed 10 kilos and continued with the programmed triples. These were better. I do have to scale back my aspirations for a comparable bench to my best.
The combination of dropping axle OHP from the program and taking a time-out to introduce Nathan to just some of what we do meant that I had more in the tank than expected when it came time for Hammer Strength chest press. I could have done 8 or 10 rep sets here for the prescribed four sets, I'm pretty sure, but I kept them to six. I could have done another couple of those, too. So I clearly need to mess with this comp prep template and get it working better for me, stat.
I did make the threat of another body re-composition update. So here it is. I was feeling pretty bloated in these pics, and my Fitbit scale tells me I've climbed from 26% back up to 29% body fat. And the heaviest I've reached (and maintained) in my lifting career.
PRESS+ Saturday August 12th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 3 x 3
Incline BB bench press:
65 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
7.5 kgs x 10
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
seated French press:
20 kgs x 4 x 10
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 25 PR
full stack x 3 x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kgs x 6 x 6 PR
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
17.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Cardio: Assault bike 5 minutes @ 50 rpm
So our team gains another promising new member! I'll be updating the PTC SM athlete bios in due course. First let's give Nathan more opportunity to show his mettle. His was a light session today; for all his enthusiasm, the fella did just compete a week ago... and managed to injure his back doing so.
Ah yes, that's right, 'the Yak' was in the mix at the WASM qualifier also. Already comp experienced. Excellent to see. But, as I told him, even if my crew were not either working or sick at home today, they'd be forgiven for not training this soon after a competition anyhow, and he should most definitely be seeking treatment for his complaint and not attempting to train through it.
Hours beforehand, Ryan and Mat were in the gym doing some overhead press. I recruited them to spot me as I did my money sets on bench. I'm glad I did, as Ryan has had enough PL comp experience to know when a press hasn't been paused long enough, and at 140 kilograms, mine were not. Bad sign. I immediately shed 10 kilos and continued with the programmed triples. These were better. I do have to scale back my aspirations for a comparable bench to my best.
The combination of dropping axle OHP from the program and taking a time-out to introduce Nathan to just some of what we do meant that I had more in the tank than expected when it came time for Hammer Strength chest press. I could have done 8 or 10 rep sets here for the prescribed four sets, I'm pretty sure, but I kept them to six. I could have done another couple of those, too. So I clearly need to mess with this comp prep template and get it working better for me, stat.
I did make the threat of another body re-composition update. So here it is. I was feeling pretty bloated in these pics, and my Fitbit scale tells me I've climbed from 26% back up to 29% body fat. And the heaviest I've reached (and maintained) in my lifting career.
PRESS+ Saturday August 12th
Bench press (paused):
bar x 10
60 kgs x 6
100 kgs x 3
120 kgs x 1
140 kgs x 3
130 kgs x 3 x 3
Incline BB bench press:
65 kgs x 4 x 8
DB front raises (p/h):
7.5 kgs x 10
10 kgs x 10
12.5 kgs x 2 x 10
seated French press:
20 kgs x 4 x 10
super-set w/Tri-pushdowns:
full stack x 25 PR
full stack x 3 x 15
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kgs x 6 x 6 PR
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
17.5 kgs x 3 x 10
Cardio: Assault bike 5 minutes @ 50 rpm
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