10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
5 reps @ 170 kgs PR
Good Mornings w/cambered
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
6 reps @ 110 kgs
5 reps @ 140 kgs equal to best effort
Kroc rows w/Brutus
left 12 reps @ 72 kgs PR
right 10 reps @ 72 kgs
left 12 reps @ 72 kgs PR
right 10 reps @ 72 kgs
left 10 reps @ 72 kgs
right 9 reps @ 72 kgs
Squatted 170 kgs x5
I had a migraine that lasted from the early hours of this morning till after lunch, when I finally caught a nap. The doctor prescribed 'pain relief' which A) didn't require a prescription, B) didn't work and C) cost a stupid amount of money for all the good it did. I also got a parking ticket while waiting for the pharmacist to find the overpriced crap.
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