Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Day of the Strongman WA Qualifiers

Last night was a calorie free-for-all; I started with some leftover roast duck around 7:30PM, a bunless double quarter pounder around 9:30 and finished with half a tub of honeycomb butterscotch ice cream for dessert.

I woke well before 9AM and immediately began shoving white rice and lamb steak in my mouth. I only managed a few bites before my saliva dried up and I felt nauseated. I don't normally eat solids first thing in the morning, and I can't say that white rice and dry meat would be high on my list of preferred breakfast foods. But as to the sick feeling, that was likely due to nerves.

I settled for a coffee and half a litre of milk instead. Just prior to beginning the first event - yoke walk - I ate a small banana (and another an hour or so later). And then it was showtime.

The below qualifiers info taken from the Facebook page

Strength Quest - H.W. C Grade

Yoke 300 k.g @15 meters time or distance 60 second time limit. 

Log Clean Press – Start weight: 100 kgs

Deadlift Max (Raw) – Start weight: 210 kgs

Farmers walk 100 k.g.@25 meters time or distance 60 second time limit. 

My Efforts Today were as follows:

Yoke Walk
15 meters @ 205 kgs - warmup
15 meters @ 240 kgs - time was around 10 seconds, but I will confirm all times once they are posted.
15 meters @ 285 kgs - PR

Very happy with this effort, and now I'm looking forward to breaking 300 sometime soon

Log Clean-Press
72 kgs - warmup
90 kgs
100 kgs - this was heavier than I expected I'd lift in my weakened state, so I'm pretty happy with this!

180 kgs - warmup
200 kgs
210 kgs - just 10 kilos less than my best ever!

Farmers Walk
25 meters @ 110 kgs p/hand - PR

No warmups needed, at this stage of the comp. My time here was something like 14 seconds! Previous record is 15 meters with 120 p/hand, but at a much slower pace.

About here my legs became difficult to live with. I had my fish oil this morning (all 10 caps) but today saw some pretty heavy numbers and the impact was beginning to show...

All in all, I am pretty happy with my performance. I didn't place in the top 3, but there's always next year. 
I sometimes have to remind myself that I haven't been doing this very long.

More milk was chugged once I got home, and I've eaten a meal of 3 fried eggs, a rasher of bacon, about 100 grams of white rice and about the same of edam cheese.

Dinner will be a large piece of fresh fish and maybe some avocado, with frozen raspberries and whipped cream for dessert.

Life. Is. Good.

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