Wednesday, March 1, 2023

20 Kilos Lost in 11 Months

...AND more still to lose. I'm calling it exactly eleven months as I know I was weighing 140 late March / early April, and on February 26th the scales proclaimed me to be just 120.45, which I'm taking as close enough. It might have been a week or so shy of that, or possibly a week or so more. I seldom record minutia when I begin these things. Only as I'm making progress do I reflect, and share my thoughts here. The next body weight target is 115, which I hope to reach come late April. It won't be enough to drop to the next weight class, but I do think I should take a shot at under 110, either late this year or early next. That would be interesting...

First, however, I need to get my hip issue sorted. It's been bugging me almost constantly. Now I can't stand, walk, lie down without it being present... and it was really pissing me off at Karate. The tightness is one thing - and something I could deal with if I had to - but with it comes a major lack of strength. I unracked a 150 kilo axle squat and could only manage three reps before I felt the left leg failing, and my recovering hamstring begin to twitch in response. I racked it rather than risk it.

My next stop will be the GP. I am hoping a prescribed, high strength muscle relaxant will help it to release. I've tried about everything else I can think of at this point. I have mentioned before, but I will again, that my pretraining regimen is not included in my regular blog posts as it is - at this stage of my career - pretty extensive. I perform the full suite before every lifting session and do some stretching, makeshift piriformis accupressure (jamming my glute into the metal side of a chair) and clams prior to karate classes. At some point I will write it all down here, too, but I do it every other day and it is pretty uninteresting to me. As are progress pics, but I guess I'll add some in due course.

What is interesting to me is keeping this train rolling. When I was a kid, I liked archery. I had a thirty pound fiberglass bow and took lessons in primary school. Because this was the early 90s and I was a kid living in the hills, I would freely wander about the bush shooting training arrows at targets I'd carve into the faces of trees. I even had some hay bales set up in the back yard with a paper (or maybe canvas) target strung to the front. The area behind the target was all rocky, high ground, so no chance of an arrow flying off into the neighbour's yard. Which was fortunate, as I wasn't such a great shot to begin. The point is, I've decided for some silly reason that I don't have enough hobbies and would consider getting up early on Sundays to attend archery classes in Wembley.

And I missed the grading for Kobudo last year due to illness, but will be more than ready for the next grading in April. I'd mistakenly thought I needed to learn the full kata when I actually only needed to show proficiency in the strike and block combos. With the additional training I've done, the yellow belt is already mine.

GOJU RYU Karate Monday February 27th

EVENTS+ Sunday February 26th
Yoke walk:
145 kg x 2 x 14 meters
205 kg x 2 x 14 meters
265 kg x 4 x 14 meters
Zercher carry w/axle (lower pick):
70 kg x 10 meters, 2 corners
100 kg x 10 meters, 2 corners
130 kg x 4 x 10 meters, 2 corners
Hack squat machine:
unloaded x 10
+40 kg x 10
+80 kg x 10
Leg extensions (l&r performed individually):
20 kg x 5 x 10

GOJU RYU Kobudo Saturday February 25th

SQUAT Thursday February 23rd
Squats w/axle to box:
20 kg x 10
70 kg x 5
110 kg x 3
140 kg x 1
150 kg x 3 - not a good idea to keep pushing
Good mornings w/axle:
20 kg x 3 x 10

BENCH Tuesday February 21st
Bench press:
20 kg x 8
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 3
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 3 x 6
DB bench poress (p/h):
30 kg x 3
37.5 kg x 8 PR
25 kg x 12
DB flys (p/h):
7 kg x 3 x 20
OHP plate machine (p/h):
40 kg x 3
60 kg x 3 PR
45 kg x 6
30 kg x 10
Triceps pushdowns (perform x 3):
50 kg x 10 wide
50 kg x 10 narrow
50 kg x rope
Cable side raises BB machine (p/h):
10 kg x 3 x 10
Bicep curls w/EZ bar:
30 kg x 2 x 10
DB curls (right only w/fingertip extension):
10 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike: 5 mins @ +60 rpm