Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Rehab Block 2: March

ANOTHER month down, another month closer to lifting heavy again.

WK12 PULL Tuesday March 30th
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Bulgarian split squats w/kettlebell (l&r):
10 kg x 8
70 kg x 10
90 kg x 4 x 10
Preacher curls:
28 kg x 3 x 10
Seated rows:
52.5 kg x 5
67.5 kg x 5
82.5 kg x 5
97.5 kg x 5
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm

WK11 PRESS Saturday March 27th
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Chest press machine (p/h):
15 kg x 10
Bench press (paused):
50 kg x 10 x 10 - desensitisation of the aggravated tendon as per AY
Triceps push downs:
45 kg Close grip full stack x 10
45 kg Wide grip full stack x 10
45 kg w/rope x 10
DB curls (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm

WK11 SQUATS +Nausea Tuesday March 23rd
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Box squat w/AXLE:
35 kg x 10
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 3
100 kg x 5 x 10

WK9 PRESS Saturday March 13th
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Chest press machine (p/h):
15 kg x 10
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 3
95 kg x 4 x 6 - Left shoulder issue
Triceps push downs:
w/rope 45 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm

WK9 PULL Thursday March 11th
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Bulgarian split squats w/kettlebell (l&r):
10 kg x 2 x 5
70 kg x 10
80 kg x 4 x 10
Axe swings (l&r):
36 kg x 2 x 10
Face pulls:
49.5 kg x 3 x 20
DB side raises (p/h):
10 kg x 4 x 10
Preacher curls:
23 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm

WK8 SQUATS+ PRESS Saturday March 6th
Stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release: 2 left & 2 right
Plank on hands: 2 sets x 30 seconds each
Resisted hip flexion isometric: 2 sets x 10 seconds p/leg p/set
Leg lock bridge w/ball: 2 sets x 8 reps p/side
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank: 2 sets left & right x 10 seconds p/side
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Box squat w/Axle:
35 kg x 10
70 kg x 5
90 kg x 5 x 10 PR
Romanian deadlifts: 
70 kg x 10
90 kg x 5 x 10
Bench press:
20 kg x 10
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 3
90 kg x 8,8,8,4
Assault bike:
5 mins @ +55 rpm 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Rehab Block 2: February

REHAB SQUATS+ Saturday February 20th
stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release (l&r): 2 sets x 10 seconds
Plank on hands: 3 sets x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Leg lock bridge w/ball (l&r): 3 sets x 8 reps
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Box squats w/cambered bar:
15 kg x 10
55 kg x 5
75 kg x 5 x 10
Romanian deadlifts w/barbell: 75 kg x 5 x 10
Seated rows:
52.5 kg x 10
67.5 kg x 10
82.5 kg x 10
Lateral pulldowns: 55 kg x 3 x 10
DB front raises (p/h): 10 kg x 4 x 10

REHAB PRESS Tuesday February 16th
stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release (l&r): 2 sets x 10 seconds
Plank on hands: 3 sets x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Leg lock bridge w/ball (l&r): 3 sets x 8 reps
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
Chest press machine (p/h): 15 kg x 10
Bench press (paused)
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 10, 10, 10, 8
EZ bar curls: 25.5 kg x 3 x 10
DB bicep curls (p/h): 10 kg x 3 x 10
Triceps push downs w/rope: 45 kg x 3 x 20
Assault bike: 5 mins @ +55 rpm

REHAB Saturday February 6th
stretch & decompress spine
Kneeling hip flexor release (l&r): 2 sets x 10 seconds
Plank on hands: 3 sets x 30 seconds
Resisted hip flexion isometric (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Leg lock bridge w/ball (l&r): 3 sets x 8 reps
Curl up: 2 sets x 10 reps
Side plank (l&r): 3 sets x 10 seconds
Bird dog: 10 reps p/side
EZ bar curls: 23 kg x 4 x 10
Assault bike: 5 mins @ +60 rpm