Saturday, November 16, 2019

Axle Squat & Incline Press

I HAD a disappointing squat session on Tuesday the fifth. For some reason I decided I needed my belt to squat a few reps of 140. I wore it too low, and rather than re-racking the axle and adjusting, I continued with the set. When I was done something in my middle back felt wrong enough for me to not continue squatting, and stayed with me for the next several days. I reset the following week and had a better session.

I've decided to focus on incline barbell press and follow that with (for the moment, axle) strict overhead press. It really diminishes by overhead pressing strength and works to thoroughly fatigue the muscles. I intend to keep working on this movement until I can incline press 150 kilograms for reps.

PRESS+ Saturday November 16th
Chest press machine flat (p/h):
20 kg x 10
25 kg x 10
30 kg x 10
Incline barbell press:
20 kg x 10
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 4* x 8 - extra set
Axle OHP (strict):
50 kg x 5
60 kg x 3
70 kg x 8
Triceps pushdowns:
90 kg close grip x 10
90 kg wide grip x 10
63 kg rope x 10
63 kg close grip x 15
63 kg wide grip x 10
45 kg rope x 10
Preacher curls:
23 kg x 2 x 15
DB curls (p/h):
15 kg x 2 x 10
12.5 kg x 2 x 10
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 3 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +55 rpm

SQUAT+ Wednesday November 13th
Axle squats:
15 kg x 8
55 kg x 8
95 kg x 8
120 kg x 8
140 kg x 2 x 8
Hamstring curls (p/l):
20 kg x 15
17.5 kg x 11
15 kg x 10
DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 15, 15, 10

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Catchup: As Good as a Holiday

WITH the prospect of competing off the table, so is the pressure to get in top condition. I've been doing a lot more of what I want to do, when I want to do it, while I put the final touches on the program I plan to roll out before the end of the year. I've just been cruising along and taking satisfaction in more domestic stuff lately, like detailing my car and improving my home. I'm still burning around thirty-three to thirty-five thousand calories, while making it into the gym just one session per week.

In keeping with this DGAF philosophy I decided to just do a lot of chest and arms today, since it's not something I usually focus on in my programming. I do have a recurring injury that requires further analysis. My physio needled my forearms (along with a few other places that were in dire need of it) last week. But when I began clean-pressing the log today, the same issue reoccurred. I tried all kinds of things in an attempt to see which movements trigger it. It appears to be just cleaning itself... so I guess I'll do more regular benching till I get it sorted.

BRO TRAINING Saturday November 2nd
Log clean-press:
20 kg x 3 x 5 - still left forearm issue
Chest press machine flat (p/h):
20 kg x 10
25 kg x 10
27.5 kg x 10
Incline barbell press:
50 kg x 10
70 kg x 10
80 kg x 5
90 kg x 3
100 kg x 3
105 kg x 2
110 kg x 1
Triceps push-downs:
90 kg close grip x 10
90 kg wide grip x 10
72 kg rope x 8
63 kg close grip x 15
63 kg wide grip x 15
54 kg rope x 10
Preacher curls:
18 kg x 10
23 kg x 2 x 10
DB curls (p/h):
15 kg x 3 x 10

PULL+ Saturday October 26th
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg x 3
205 kg x 3 x 6
Leg extensions (p/l):
30 kg x 2 x 15
30 kg x 10
Seated rows:
105 kg x 2 x 10
Lateral pull-downs:
75 kg x 3 x 8 - left forearm issue
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 3 x 10

PULL+ Tuesday October 8th
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg x 2
225 kg x 1 no belt, double o/hand
275 kg x 1
205 kg x 3 double o/hand
175 kg x 5 double o/hand
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kg x 6
60 kg x 6
65 kg x 6 left only
45 kg x 15 right only TPR
Lateral pull-downs:
75 kg x 2 x 10
75 kg x 3 - left elbow issue
DB side raises (p/h):
10 kg x 4 x 10