SINCE Static Monsters was a non-event for me and I'm now nursing an adductor strain (hopefully not a tear), I had a lot of frustrations that needed working out. I figured a Sunday session was in order.
As I was finishing up on the assault bike I noticed a fella doing farmer's walk with straps... a competition no-no. He came past, a 110 kilo pick strapped to each hand, and when he was done I asked his name and if he'd like to learn how to use those properly.
His name was Jason, he told me, and 120 is his best for 15 meters, but he was handicapped by small hands. I told him he was already training with some of the best tools available for developing grip strength, he just wasn't using them to their full potential.
My Saturday events sessions - and the Strongman clinics I put on for anyone who is interested - kick off at Genesis Bentley from 12 midday this Saturday. Maybe I'll see Jason there.
PRESS+ Sunday October 28th
stretch... for fuck's sake, stretch
Axle OHP (strict):
40 kg x 10
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 5
90 kg x 3
100 kg x 2
110 kg x 1
120 kg x 1
125 kg x FAIL - but struggled with it for legit about 10-15 seconds...
75 kg x max effort 11 TPR?
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 3
120 kg x 5
75 kg x 11
Triceps pushdowns:
114 kg x 14
100 kg x 15
91 kg x 10
Preacher curls w/EZ bar:
bar +10 kg x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
30 kg x 8, 8, 6
Assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Pull+ Events Tuesday: Last Lift Before Static Monsters
BEING the biggest, strongest fish in the pond has disadvantages. The last time I was here I allowed myself to stagnate by not pushing hard enough. I won't allow that to happen again. After Static Monsters I'll be switching back to a standard barbell and pulling from the floor once more. I intend to pull at least my previous 1RM (340 kilograms) before I drop back to base-building again.
And I already have big plans for next year.
PULL+ EVENTS Tuesday 23rd October
Deadlifts w/Axle:
(40cm pull height)
70 kg x 10
120 kg x 5
170 kg x 2 no straps
170 kg x 5
220 kg x 3
270 kg x 2 no belt
310 kg x 1
Zercher carry w/Yoke:
130 kg x 2 x 10 meters
210 kg x 2 x 10 meters
Seated rows:
114 kg (full stack)
neutral grip x 15, 10, 5
u/hand wide grip x 8, 8
59 kg x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
And I already have big plans for next year.
PULL+ EVENTS Tuesday 23rd October
Deadlifts w/Axle:
(40cm pull height)
70 kg x 10
120 kg x 5
170 kg x 2 no straps
170 kg x 5
220 kg x 3
270 kg x 2 no belt
310 kg x 1
Zercher carry w/Yoke:
130 kg x 2 x 10 meters
210 kg x 2 x 10 meters
Seated rows:
114 kg (full stack)
neutral grip x 15, 10, 5
u/hand wide grip x 8, 8
59 kg x 3 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Sunday, October 21, 2018
The Story So Far
'If you choose to be a moral, honest, and principled human, you will lose friends, family, and close relations along the way.
Those who value you, will stay.
That’s all that matters.'
- Alishba Zarmeen
LOTS of you know by now what kind of person I am, but for those who do not, here's a summary. The standard I walk past is the standard I accept. Which is why I stand between bullies and their victims and call out racism, sexism, homophobia and bigotry wherever I find them. This has cost me more than a few friends over the years, which is why the above quote from a fellow social justice warrior is so poignant. Being a loner by nature, losing friends has never bothered me much. I am even less bothered to lose fascists and fascist sympathisers as 'friends'. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. The following few paragraphs are an excerpt from a previous post:
One of the moderators of this forum was actively promoting Big Mo. Despite the fact that he’s a ridiculous synthol freak, his ‘training methods’ are totally phoney and he purveys some of the lowest, shittiest aspects of the aesthetics-obsessed H&F industry, this mod was making a freaking documentary on the guy, and had a couple of threads open for people to ask Big Mo questions.
To nip that story in the bud, I called out this fraudster, got banned again, and so began this blog you are reading now. At last count it's cracked 65,000 views, with an average readership of over 2,500 a month. It is heartening to know that these numbers have grown exponentially in places like Europe and the USA, and the people who followed me here from my days on Muscle and Strength are still reading now.
In late June 2013 I moved my training to PTC Perth after Henry Day had his very public melt-down on the Muscle Pit Facebook page. This was immediately after the first state powerlifting championships that PTC Perth entered, and almost dominated the scoreboard of. Pit crew won first and second place, on formula, but PTC Perth won the next half dozen or more places. This was enough for ole Henry to post a passive-aggressive tirade about how he was banning the word 'can't' from the gym, and we all needed to harden the fuck up and train better, or words to that effect. It was a semiliterate, juvenile tantrum which earned the following reply from me (and I remember it well):"Rather than banning words... maybe we should ban poorly spelled declarative statements?"
Henry's retort: 'Abs, if you don't like it, you can fuck off' - and I did. But before I did, I made him aware of exactly where I was moving to, which just made him madder. I left that afternoon to visit a friend in Mandurah. I came home that evening to a storm in the social media teacup. Henry's post - and my response to it - had garnered over a thousand views, hundreds of likes and plenty of controversy. It would not be the last time that a bunch of meatheads from that particular gym would threaten me with physical harm in defence of Henry's hurt feelings. As I understand it, he still hates me with the intensity of a thousand suns. And I'm just fine with that.
Since I'm laying it all out here I should probably mention that up until late 2013 I worked for about two years at the Perth branch of the Australian Institute of Fitness; one of, if not the, most heinous example of the multi-level marketing scam that the health and fitness industry has become, if it wasn't always. I learned some dispiriting and enraging things in those two years and was incredibly happy to be offered a management role (at double the salary) in my old industry by a head-hunter. I was gone from 'the Institute' at the end of September. But, as with everywhere I go and everything I do, I left an impression... and I kept the receipts.
My move to PTC Perth at that time was somewhat premature. I was there less than a year, I think, before Genesis Bentley opened. Genesis management offered me and Asha Tracey - then WA's strongest woman - an excellent deal on membership. And, in consultation with us, they purchased thousands of dollars worth of Strongman equipment from Awesome As. We were both really impressed with their facility and how attentive they were to our needs as athletes. Unlike Henry's tantrum and the subsequent fallout, I have previously written at length about the demise of Strongman Genesis chapter. It was my first attempt at building a team.
Losing direction and focus, in early 2015 I returned to PTC Perth and was reinvigorated. I began building the most formidable strongman team the state had yet seen. It took almost exactly three years. I am proud of every person in that crew. They showed me how great things could be, if I believed and trusted in others. If I continued to believe in myself.But inevitably, it seems, things would not continue to be great. Not unless I made the conscious decision to ignore what I was seeing and what my head and my gut were telling me. In October of 2018, seventy two years since my Grandfather was finally returned home from Sandakan POW camp, on the Big Dogs stage stood a Nazi.
Brandon Allen wears three Nazi-inspired tattoos. On his stomach are the numbers 88, for HH (or Heil Hitler), as well as the numbers 51/50, which have become trendy amongst young fascists and are actually a clinical reference for mental instability and violent tendencies. And a Totenkopf - the Panzer deaths head - on his wrist.
After my grandmother's death in the late nineties, my grandpa lost his will to live. My last memories of him are of how sad he was. He faded away less than two years after her. He would have been incensed to see what I am seeing unfold today, in the nation he fought and almost died to protect a lifetime ago.
People have come at me with all kinds of nonsense in their attempts to deflect, obfuscate, or otherwise paint me as the bad guy for bringing this issue to the attention of PTC Perth. 'It's his birthday' say some, to which I say: bollocks. That doesn't explain the font that is always used by Nazis and their cohort when writing these numbers. 'He can't be a Nazi, he has black/Hispanic/gay and lesbian friends.' Sure, he's an interloper. That's how people with intolerant ideologies survive in a multicultural world. He looks down at these people the same way devout xians look down their noses at the hellbound masses they rub shoulders with every day. Do not mistake a quiet demeanour for a gentle nature or reasoned mind. It indicates neither.
There is no explanation for these three symbols being on this person, other than the obvious one. Just like there's no explanation other than the obvious for the SS motto 'Meine Ehre heißt Treue' tattooed on the back of Adam Mazzon, a PTC franchisee. Just like there is no explanation other than the obvious for why the owner of PTC and Big Dogs, Markos Markopolous, has studiously avoided me on social media regarding this issue. He's in my DMs, as they say, and he's never been afraid to slide into them when he's had something to say in the past. But on this he has remained silent.
When I made this post, asking why a Nazi was on stage and my own gym was endorsing it, things exploded. A flood of new information came my way and I ended up finding out even more things that I could not stomach about the organisation I was a coach for.
So I no longer coach for, nor have anything to do with, Performance Training Centre.
UPDATE: literally the week after this all went down, PTC Perth changed it's name. More recently, PTC Gold Coast also re-branded.
UPDATE UPDATE: and then Markos Markopolous was exposed as a racist and forced to resign from GPC.
Serendipity has brought me back to Genesis Bentley. Let me clarify; it is not a happy coincidence that ended PTC Strongman, but it is a happy coincidence how I can so easily move my training to a facility that is just as close by and already equipped with almost everything I need to train effectively. What I don't have, I'll get. Then, as the new year begins, I will begin anew also. In time I will build another team.
I began this post with a quote. Let me end with a poem. There are few memories I have of my school years which I might consider fond or nostalgic, but this is one of them. Every weekday morning for five years, as our Housemaster would call roll, high on the wall next to where I always stood in Freeth house was an immense wooden plaque, under glass. Decades before I was born, a boy with more talent and patience than I possessed at that age had carved these words by Rudyard Kipling into it. They have helped shape my world, and haunt me to this day. I include the full poem as I think it's rude to abbreviate such an accomplished piece.
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
The Training Recap
EVENTS at Gold Port Kennedy Saturday 20th October
Axle OHP strict:
20 kg x 10
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 3
Yoke OHP strict:
80 kg x 3
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 1
110 kg x 1
120 kg x failed twice
dropped bar height, presses off chest:
100 kg x 3, 1
Squats w/Wagon wheels:
75 kg x 10
115 kg x 5
155 kg x 3
195 kg x 1
Axle deadlifts (grip test):
160 kg x 3 x 2
PRESS+ Events at Genesis Bentley Wednesday 17th October
Zercher carry:
130 kg x 2 x 15 meters - fast
190 kg x 2 x 10 meters
210 kg x 10 meters
Axle static OHP:
bar x 5
50 kg x 5
80 kg x 5
100 kg x 2
110 kg x 4 singles
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 3
115 kg x 7
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack (114 kg) x 15, 10,7
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Preacher curls:
(bar weight unknown)
+10 kg x 10
+ 20 kg x 3 x 10
PRESS+ Events Saturday 13th October
Log clean-press:
45 kg x 10
70 kg x 5
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 1
Axle deadlift:
80 kg x 10
130 kg x 5
140, 150, 160, 170 kg x 1
175 kg x FAIL, but close
220 kg x 3 - right hip/glute pain
Axle OHP strict:
20 kg x 10
50 kg x 5
70 kg x 3
Yoke OHP strict:
80 kg x 3
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 1
110 kg x 1
120 kg x failed twice
dropped bar height, presses off chest:
100 kg x 3, 1
Squats w/Wagon wheels:
75 kg x 10
115 kg x 5
155 kg x 3
195 kg x 1
Axle deadlifts (grip test):
160 kg x 3 x 2
PRESS+ Events at Genesis Bentley Wednesday 17th October
Zercher carry:
130 kg x 2 x 15 meters - fast
190 kg x 2 x 10 meters
210 kg x 10 meters
Axle static OHP:
bar x 5
50 kg x 5
80 kg x 5
100 kg x 2
110 kg x 4 singles
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 3
115 kg x 7
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack (114 kg) x 15, 10,7
DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Preacher curls:
(bar weight unknown)
+10 kg x 10
+ 20 kg x 3 x 10
PRESS+ Events Saturday 13th October
Log clean-press:
45 kg x 10
70 kg x 5
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 1
Axle deadlift:
80 kg x 10
130 kg x 5
140, 150, 160, 170 kg x 1
175 kg x FAIL, but close
220 kg x 3 - right hip/glute pain
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Press+ Events Tuesday: Switching it Up
I AM ADDING some finals events to my mid-week training sessions so as to get more familiar with them in the time I have. The zercher carry and axle squat are possibly the most formidable of the five events on offer, and so I'm hoping to try another heavy squat session either Thursday, after deadlifts, or Saturday during events. Hopefully I'll have some assistance this time... of the PTCSM crew it was literally just me training last weekend. This close to state finals, that's not a great sign.
PRESS+ Events Tuesday October 9th
Zercher carry:
130 kg x 2 x 10 meters
170 kg x 2 x 10 meters
190 kg x 10 meters
Axle static OHP:
47.5 kg x 5
67.5 kg x 4
87.5 kg x 3
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
110 kg x 7
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 2 x 20
full stack x 2 x 15
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
PRESS+ Events Tuesday October 9th
Zercher carry:
130 kg x 2 x 10 meters
170 kg x 2 x 10 meters
190 kg x 10 meters
Axle static OHP:
47.5 kg x 5
67.5 kg x 4
87.5 kg x 3
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
110 kg x 7
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 2 x 20
full stack x 2 x 15
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
Assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Pull+ Thursday & Events Saturday: Prep wk10
I NOTICED I'd shrunk another notch on the Inzer Thursday night during deadlifts. My pulls and grip are feeling strong once again. I'm looking good for a return to heavy clean-press shortly! It's about goddamn time. But I also need now to prioritise static axle OHP as part of my preparation to tackle the 130 kilogram yoke I'll need to press for event two of the WASM state championships. I am predicting not a lot of people will get even one rep. I aim for at least one.
I've been deadlifting for quite a few years, with an axle almost as much as a barbell. And for over the years now I've been using the same pair of Loaded Lifting axle straps that feature in this Facebook promo. Well, Thursday night one of them finally tore, just a little, during my second set of 310. Three years is a pretty good innings, I reckon.
Then Saturday came and I began the session with event one of WASM finals, the axle squat. I set up in a pretty precarious Oly rack and used boxes to approximate the height at which the axle will most likely be set. It didn't go so well. Next time I will use a sturdier rack...
I worked up to a comfortable enough triple of 175. Then, while unracking 205, I got a stabbing pain in my right lower lumbar. Not related (I don't think) to the impinged nerve on my left. It felt like it ran down my right glute. I will be seeing my physiotherapist as soon as I can make an appointment. Hopefully this is a muscle issue. I often get strains in my gluteus with regular lower body training - especially yoke, farmers and squats.
I moved on to event two: the yoke overhead press. The injury didn't affect this. I was pressing the axle directly from the rack, rather than walking it out a little and positioning at the top of my chest first. I'm pretty confidant I'll get to the yoke before game day. Today it was not to be.
I finished off with a reintroduction to the zercher carry, which is event three. This was impacted somewhat by the glute/back complaint. As with the yoke press, I didn't reach comp loadings today. Next week I'll be getting closer to comp weights, as well as doing stones... an event I haven't performed in a very long time.
EVENTS Saturday October 6th
Axle squats:
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg x 3
205 kg - right lumbar/glute pain
Yoke OHP (using steel axle):
67.5 kg x 5
87.5 kg x 3
107.5 kg x 2
Zercher carry:
130 kg x 4 x 10 meters
170 kg x 2 x 10 meters
PULL+ Thursday October 4th
Axle deadlifts:
80 kg x 10
140 kg x 7
180 kg x 5
230 kg x 3
270 kg x 1
310 kg x 2 x 3 TPR
HS seated rows (p/h):
42.5 kg x 3 x 15
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
15 kg x 3 x 10
plate 12 x 4 x 20
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 2 x 10
10 kg x 2 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
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