TWENTY total reps is the largest number I have ever hit, in one session, at this weight. By quite a bit. I hit three sets of four reps in late September last year, leading up to the GPC Push/Pull. Prior to that I think the maximum number of reps I've hit - an AMRAP set - was seven.
Last week, I pulled 255 kilos for (thanks to gym brain) somewhere between 22 and 25 total reps. Again, way more than I've ever done at that weight.
I am realising something. Right now, my deadlift is stronger than it's ever been, by a significant amount. This feels like the program that will get me to a new one rep max of over 340 kilos; a goal I have had since I pulled 340 in mid-2015. Three fucking years ago, near enough. And I know I wasn't capable of doing back then what I am doing now. I don't want to jinx it, but that elusive 350 may, once again, be on the horizon too.
One the subject of programming, this is how my pulling will go over the next two months:
Wk3 275 kg x 4 x 4
Wk4 285 kg x 4 x 3
Wk5 295 kg x 3 x 3
Wk6 305 kg x 2 x 3
Wk7 315 kg x 2 x 2
Wk8 325 kg x 3
Wk9 335 kg x 2
Wk10 345 kg x 1
Every one of these will be a new personal record for reps.
...and I could always try for 350 on week eleven...
PULL+ Saturday April 28th
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg 3
225 kg 1
265 kg x 4 x 5 PR
Meadows rows (l&r):
50 kg x 3 x 10
HS seated rows (p/h):
50 kg x 3 x 10
Seated row machine (underhand):
full stack x 3 x 10
plate 11 x 4 x 20
super-set w/DB side raises (p/h):
10 kg x 4 x 10
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Press+ Wednesday: Always Forward
THIS morning, the first thing I read when I went online was a reminder from Facebook about what I was doing this day one year ago. Turns out this day one year ago I was also doing a press routine. It was not quite three months post-surgery to re-attach my left bicep tendon. I was doing one arm triceps pushdowns and 9 kilo dumbbell bicep curls. My overhead press was three sets of seven reps of a 75 kilo axle, strict of course. It wasn't long after this that I began hitting new personal records for reps in this and cambered bar squats (two exercises I could do unencumbered while rehabbing the bicep), and reading this blog post was my motivation for doing an extra money set on axle OHP today.
Sure, I'm two weeks into a new program, so hitting records is not necessarily a requirement at this stage. But I just felt like I should make absolutely certain I was hitting new territory, so I did a fourth set of 8 x 70 kg. And now I'm re-working my OHP program to add more volume to the rest of it.
I am glad I got all the serious pressing done before the grief my right elbow was giving me became an issue. I scrapped the money sets of DB incline press as this pissed it off most all. Also lucky it didn't seem to be an issue when I was using the Hammer Strength machine. Curls were a bitch though. I was glad when they were over.
All in all, it was a good day. A day my grandmother and grandfather fought for me to have.
PRESS+ Wednesday April 25th
Axle OHP (strict):
40 kg x 10
70 kg x 4 x 8 PR
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
90 kg x 3
110 kg x 4 x 5 TPR
45 degree incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kg x 4 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kg x 3 x 10
15 kg x 10
assault bike - 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Sure, I'm two weeks into a new program, so hitting records is not necessarily a requirement at this stage. But I just felt like I should make absolutely certain I was hitting new territory, so I did a fourth set of 8 x 70 kg. And now I'm re-working my OHP program to add more volume to the rest of it.
I am glad I got all the serious pressing done before the grief my right elbow was giving me became an issue. I scrapped the money sets of DB incline press as this pissed it off most all. Also lucky it didn't seem to be an issue when I was using the Hammer Strength machine. Curls were a bitch though. I was glad when they were over.
All in all, it was a good day. A day my grandmother and grandfather fought for me to have.
PRESS+ Wednesday April 25th
Axle OHP (strict):
40 kg x 10
70 kg x 4 x 8 PR
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
90 kg x 3
110 kg x 4 x 5 TPR
45 degree incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
10 kg x 10
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
40 kg x 4 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kg x 3 x 10
15 kg x 10
assault bike - 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Pull Saturday: Gym Brain
GIVING my knees a bit more time off of pick and carry events coz I'm still feeling like I'm recovering from the comp. Today all I did was deadlift, yet managed to miscount all my sets, I think.
My program, which is just starting (so it doesn't matter a whole lot) called for five sets of four reps of 255 kilos. I'm pretty sure I did five by five. I also think that, if I did, then as volume goes, that is the most reps I've done at this weight, ever. I'll need to check that. Sounds right though.
I used straps for the three middle sets, but went sans straps or belt for the last one. Tim was watching my final set and quizzed me on the number of reps I was supposedly doing, coz he saw me pull five. It wasn't till later, upon reflection, that I began to wonder if I'd been doing more than programmed for every set.
This is gym brain.
SATURDAY April 21st
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg x 3
225 kg x 1
255 kg x 5 x 5 TPR
My program, which is just starting (so it doesn't matter a whole lot) called for five sets of four reps of 255 kilos. I'm pretty sure I did five by five. I also think that, if I did, then as volume goes, that is the most reps I've done at this weight, ever. I'll need to check that. Sounds right though.
I used straps for the three middle sets, but went sans straps or belt for the last one. Tim was watching my final set and quizzed me on the number of reps I was supposedly doing, coz he saw me pull five. It wasn't till later, upon reflection, that I began to wonder if I'd been doing more than programmed for every set.
This is gym brain.
SATURDAY April 21st
75 kg x 10
125 kg x 5
175 kg x 3
225 kg x 1
255 kg x 5 x 5 TPR
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
That's Enough Rest I Think
I ENJOYED that week off. I pulled up alright after the comp - no significant injuries. Ah... well.
I am rolling out a new program for my deadlift, bench and axle overhead press, events, and somewhere amongst them all will slot some cambered bar squats... but, depending on the situation with my knees, I may have to rethink this.
Lately, performing events has been taxing. It's been years since I used naproxen, but I decided to fill my script this week. I'll see what else I can do in the long term, as I don't want to rely on anti-inflammatories or pain meds just to train effectively. But it's been getting that way more and more lately. I used to take a pain pill in the evenings, after a heavy session, to help me sleep. One pill, a couple times per week... three max. Now I take one every day. During the comp, just to keep going after the farmers walk event, I took a pain pill. It took the pain away but slowed me down and made me nauseated.
My first session back - events, the following Saturday - my arthritis hit like it had been waiting all week just to fuck with me. The aim for the session was volume but after a dozen or so yoke and farmers walks I just couldn't handle anymore. Another incomplete training day and another pain pill popped.
This week's press session was a solid start though.
EVENTS Saturday April 14th
Yoke walk:
130 kg x 2 x 20 meters
210 kg x 6 x 20 meters
Farmers walk (p/h):
70 kg x 2 x 20 meters
100 kg x 2 x 20 meters
PRESS+ Tuesday April 17th
stretch & foam roller
Axle OHP (strict):
40 kg x 10
60 kg x 3 x 10
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 4 x 6
45 degree incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
35 kg x 10
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kg x 2 x 10
40 kg x 2 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kg x 2 x 10
15 kg x 2 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
I am rolling out a new program for my deadlift, bench and axle overhead press, events, and somewhere amongst them all will slot some cambered bar squats... but, depending on the situation with my knees, I may have to rethink this.
Lately, performing events has been taxing. It's been years since I used naproxen, but I decided to fill my script this week. I'll see what else I can do in the long term, as I don't want to rely on anti-inflammatories or pain meds just to train effectively. But it's been getting that way more and more lately. I used to take a pain pill in the evenings, after a heavy session, to help me sleep. One pill, a couple times per week... three max. Now I take one every day. During the comp, just to keep going after the farmers walk event, I took a pain pill. It took the pain away but slowed me down and made me nauseated.
My first session back - events, the following Saturday - my arthritis hit like it had been waiting all week just to fuck with me. The aim for the session was volume but after a dozen or so yoke and farmers walks I just couldn't handle anymore. Another incomplete training day and another pain pill popped.
This week's press session was a solid start though.
EVENTS Saturday April 14th
Yoke walk:
130 kg x 2 x 20 meters
210 kg x 6 x 20 meters
Farmers walk (p/h):
70 kg x 2 x 20 meters
100 kg x 2 x 20 meters
PRESS+ Tuesday April 17th
stretch & foam roller
Axle OHP (strict):
40 kg x 10
60 kg x 3 x 10
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 5
100 kg x 4 x 6
45 degree incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
35 kg x 10
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 10
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
45 kg x 2 x 10
40 kg x 2 x 10
super-set w/HS bicep curls (l&r):
20 kg x 2 x 10
15 kg x 2 x 10
assault bike 5 mins @ +50 rpm
Saturday, April 7, 2018
PTCSM Dominates the WASM April 2018 Qualifier!
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PTC Strongman team, 2018 |
65 kg women’s 1st place: Jacqueline Chmura
90 kg men’s 1st place: Steve van Steytler
105 kg men’s 3rd place: Aleksei Banjac
105 kg men's 5th place: Kyle Graham
105 kg men's 7th place: Kieran Markham
Open men’s 1st place: Edward Kania
Open men’s 2nd place: Abaddon Quinn
I HAVE been waiting years for this day.
It was Hillarys Boat Harbour that played host to WA Strongman's first qualifier for 2018. While the clouds couldn't decide if they were staying or going, they stopped threatening rain before the action began, leaving us with beautiful, temperate weather. And there were loads of action and awe-inspiring spectacles of strength for the ample crowd to enjoy throughout the day. Indeed the weather, the venue, the spectators and the level of competition were all superb.
First up were the women's divisions, and immediately PTCSM's newest member, Trish, showed her quality. Trish has only been training strongman a few weeks (a few weeks!) and chose to enter as a novice, but her efforts were easily worthy of qualifying for the state finals. She was lightning fast with her yoke and farmers walks, pulled a whopping nineteen reps in the deadlift (and could have done another ten judging by how comfortable it seemed) and made the carry medley look just as pedestrian. I know for a fact she will go on to dominate in this sport if she chooses to. Her performance today was the tip of the spear that was the PTC Strongman offensive.
Jacqui - who has just returned from competing at the Arnolds! - nonetheless dived into the under 65 kilo women's qualifiers and showed us all how she's already been there and done that. The whole comp just looked like a fun day out for her. She blitzed the field and took first place too.
The under 90 and under 105 kilogram divisions were well and truly stacked for this comp, which is a recurring theme of recent years. I saw some very strong, very ripped men move impressive amounts of weight. But it was our Wonderboy, Steve van Steytler (also just back from the Arnolds), who took first in the under 90s while still punching a good 10 kilos above his actual weight. While that win was just another feather in Steve's cap, it was thrilling for the rest of us to watch him in action.
I have a huge amount of admiration for any athlete who chooses to get straight back into it just weeks after competing at a national level. I know for a fact how grueling that is, or at least it was when I did it. Yet Steve and Jacqui had smiles on their faces the whole time. This honestly was just a bit of fun for them both.
Kieran has made the big step up to the under 105s to compete alongside Kyle and my second oldest trainee at PTC, Alex. His real name is Aleksei and he doesn't use social media, so it's been kinda hard for me to promote him. He works unbelievably hard and, pound for pound, is maybe the strongest person I can say I coached to that level (though I do have to share credit there with the Lion).
Here he is walking a 370 kilo yoke twenty meters. In the comp he only needed to move 275.
This was Alex's second ever strongman comp, his first being the ASA national qualifier PTC Perth hosted last year, and he took third place in what was an excellent tussle for the podium. Kyle and Kieran both gave it their all but finished up with fifth and seventh place respectively. I know they are both disappointed and I also know they aren't quitters, so they will be back.
Then came the heavyweights, and there were just two. The teacher and the student, as Kong put it and Dan later announced to the crowd. It has been two and a half years since I last competed in a full strongman comp (Static Monsters doesn't count and was a walk in the park compared with today); late August 2015. I won, but it was a grueling battle against veteran WA Strongman Jay Connolly which came down to a sudden death match loading a 120 kilogram keg to a platform; max repetitions in one minute.
Well history repeated itself today. There were three seconds difference between our yoke walk times and three fractions of a second between our farmers - both in Kong's favour. I beat him comfortably in the deadlift, as expected. Also pretty much as expected, neither of us could manage the 65 kilo monster dumbbell. But neither of us could finish the carry medley either. The third and final implement - a 130 kilo sandbag - I could only carry a few meters before my conditioning allowed no more. Kong couldn't really pick it successfully, so didn't carry it far at all. It came down to a sixth event; a sudden death match loading a 120 kilogram keg over a 1.2 meter high bar. Max repetitions in one minute.
How familiar.
As a competitor I have made something of a career coming second to better athletes. From my first coach Dan Macri and the Awesome As ogre, Les Milhinich, to Joel McLeod and his protégé Liam McIntyre, to 'the Warrior' Rongo Keene. But this is the first time I've been runner-up to someone I coached myself. After two years of him giving his all to this sport, today Kong Kania won his first ever competition. I could not be prouder to come second to him... though at the time I was equal parts elated and sick to my stomach. Like, literally forcing myself not to vomit. That sudden death match felt like it almost killed me.
I have been coaching people for going on five years now. From my first class at Genesis Bentley in early 2014 to today, I have tried my best to impart what I have (and continue to) learn, along with a few principles that your momma woulda taught you. Something I take seriously is comradeship. Strongman is an individual - not a team - sport, this is a fact, and if I'm being honest it's is one of the things I like most about it. Pursuing it has always been a journey of self-improvement for me, and I've never been okay with my success or my failure being a shared responsibility. But this fact does not entitle any athlete, or anyone I coach, to get an ego about themselves. We train as a team, we get stronger as a team, and one day soon we will travel interstate to compete as a team. When someone gets injured or is having a shit time of it, we work through it as a team. And it was exactly that kind of comradeship that I witnessed today.
The Lion, the Yak, the Behemoth and Mat showed up to watch the day's events, along with a slew of PTC Perth folk, which I was also very pleased to see. At the end of the day it was announced that this was the largest number of athletes to ever enter a WA Strongman competition. I think the total was 27 entrants. Despite this - and even with the extra time needed for the sudden death match - the whole thing was wrapped up well before 5PM, including awards and pictures. A big hand has to go to Jack Opferkutch of WASM and his crew of loaders, timers and referees. Strict warmup times were enforced, there were no misloads, and even with an apparatus malfunction during the final event (one of the sandbags busted), a solution was implemented in short order.
There are pictures and videos right here!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Press+ Tuesday: Last Session Before Qualifiers
LAST WEEKEND'S clinic - my second last training session before the WASM qualifier - was as agonising as it was short-lived. After just a few laps with the yoke at very manageable loadings I got arthritis in both knees so severe I couldn't do anything at all. There was no position I could sit or stand in that would alleviate the excruciating pain. It's never been as bad as it was that day. I waited for the pain to abate but it wouldn't let up, so I went home to mega-dose Tramadol and pass out in my chair.
Tuesday night I was determined to squat and again fate determined differently. My left VMO, which I strained the last time I squatted, is still not great. Rather than aggravating it further so close to game day I moved to cambered bar good mornings, which I haven't done in a very long time. They felt great considering how long it's been and they got my lower back pumped & prepped for this coming weekend's pick and carry events.
This is it. Now I rest, eat and wait for Saturday.
PRESS+ Tuesday April 3rd
Squats w/cambered bar:
50 kg x 10
Good mornings w/cambered bar:
50 kg x 10
90 kg x 10
110 kg x 10
130 kg x 10
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 8
100 kg x 3
120 kg x 9 - shoulda tried for one more
45 degree Incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
35 kg x 3
42.5 kg x 10 PR
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 20 TPR
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kg x 10, 8, 6
super-set w/HS bi curls (l&r):
20 kg x 3 x 10
Tuesday night I was determined to squat and again fate determined differently. My left VMO, which I strained the last time I squatted, is still not great. Rather than aggravating it further so close to game day I moved to cambered bar good mornings, which I haven't done in a very long time. They felt great considering how long it's been and they got my lower back pumped & prepped for this coming weekend's pick and carry events.
This is it. Now I rest, eat and wait for Saturday.
PRESS+ Tuesday April 3rd
Squats w/cambered bar:
50 kg x 10
Good mornings w/cambered bar:
50 kg x 10
90 kg x 10
110 kg x 10
130 kg x 10
Bench press (paused):
60 kg x 8
100 kg x 3
120 kg x 9 - shoulda tried for one more
45 degree Incline DB press (p/h):
25 kg x 5
35 kg x 3
42.5 kg x 10 PR
Triceps pushdowns:
full stack x 3 x 20 TPR
super-set w/DB front raises (p/h):
12.5 kg x 3 x 10
HS chest press (p/h):
50 kg x 10, 8, 6
super-set w/HS bi curls (l&r):
20 kg x 3 x 10
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