Thursday, January 31, 2013

Last Week Before Surgery: Strong Finish

Squat Monday January 23rd
Squats w/cambered bar
*soft belt on lower lumbar
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 190 kgs
1 reps @ 200 kgs TPR
1 reps @ 200 kgs
1 reps @ 200 kgs
15 reps @ 110 kgs PR

MY BACK was feeling rough going into the heavy sets tonight. Pretty sure deciding to do leg press on Saturday to mix things up over-worked my posterior chain, and that single of 190 did not feel strong at all. But fuck it, I thought, this is my last week of training for some time. I need to make the most of my more-or-less able-bodiedness. So I fished my old soft belt out of my training bag - something I'd actually forgotten I had - and used it for lower lumbar support so I could push on. I was pretty happy with the fact that it's nearly too big for me now! When I bought it, in mid-2011, I could only just squeeze it on around my midsection.

This pic on the left is from the first round of National Qualifiers, June-2012. And the pic above, which Christian took on the day, shows how much fat I've lost since then.

The next morning it was confirmed I'd strained a lumbar. But I'd performed 3 singles of 200 kilos, and even with the soft belt, it's still a new RAW PR.

Worth it.

Push/Pull Wednesday January 30th
Glute/Ham raises
9 reps @ BW + blue band

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
2 reps @ 50 kgs*

1-arm DB rows
2 FAILS @ 105 kgs
8 reps @ 80 kgs

1-arm Seated rows
7 reps @ plate 20 equal to best effort
9.5 reps @ plate 18

SLEEP deprived and addled, tonight was a bust. I picked up the 50 kilo DB, thinking it was the 40, for a warmup set. I seriously didn't even realise the mistake I'd made till some time later, after I'd had a whinge to Gabor about how weak I was feeling.

I left the Pit, but resolved to come back the next night and try again.

Push/Pull Thursday January 31st: Round 2
Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
5 reps @ 50 kgs equal to best effort
6 reps @ 45 kgs

1-arm Triceps pushdowns
10 reps @ 50 lbs
9 reps @ 55 lbs
4 reps @ 60 lbs
9 reps @ 45 lbs

1-arm Pinwheelz
10 reps @ 20 kgs
10 reps @ 25 kgs
10 reps @ 27.5 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs

1-arm Lateral pulldowns
10 reps @ plate 10
10 reps @ plate 8
10 reps @ plate 7

IT WAS a bit difficult to focus on the OHP tonight, on account of Dan and Joel bouncing dick and incest jokes (and a variety of other subject matter) off one another, three feet from where I was doing my stuff... the Pit is getting crowded. With jerks. Even so, I at least managed 5 of the 50 - equalling my best effort, which I've been trying to replicate, if not beat, for a few weeks now.

So that's that. I go into shoulder surgery tomorrow. Then I spend a good two weeks on the couch, drugged up and not doing much at all, followed by months and months of being pissweak. But it's all so I can be strong, again, in like a year.

Worth it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Non-events Training Saturday: Triceps Super-set Special

January 26th
Shoulder warmup

1-arm Bench press
10 reps @ 20 kgs
8 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
2 reps @ 50 kgs
2 reps @ 55 kgs PR
11 reps @ 45 kgs PR

1-arm Rows
- seated
8 reps @ plate 15
- Meadows
7 reps @ 50 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs
10 reps @ 40 kgs


Rested kick-backs (right)
12 reps @ 20 kgs
12 reps @ 25 kgs
12 reps @ 27.5 kgs

Triceps pushdowns (left)
10 reps @ 55 lbs
6 reps @ 60 lbs
14 reps @ 50 lbs

TRAINING has been going pretty well lately, and so this means of course that I'm due another injury or complaint resurfacing. I noticed a familiar twinge in my left forearm when I began rows, and I spoke to one of my coaches about it, who put me on to the Meadows row; a variation that helped to avoid further damage... it's no doubt due to me rowing that 100 kilo DB on Wednesday, and a PR on seated rows the saturday before.

Monday is gonna be big. I plan on spending the morning eating, and getting to the Pit early. I'm going to either squat 200 kilos RAW, no belt, for as many as I can... or possibly belt up and go for a significant 1RM. I'm going to do this because it's my last opportunity to do anything really heavy for a long time.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Push/Pull Wednesday: That's Not How You Do Back Raises, Percy

(not) 45 degree back raises
10 reps
5 reps + 28 kilo KB
3 reps + 32 kilo KB
1 reps + 40 kilo KB
12 reps + 50 kilo plate PR ...but so what :-/

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB press
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
FAIL @ 50 kgs
7.5 reps @ 45 kgs equal to best effort

1-arm Kroc rows
5 reps @ 60 kgs
3 reps @ 70 kgs
1 reps @ 80 kgs
6 reps @ 100 kgs PR

WELL... this is, after all, why I asked Gabor to film me in the first place. Not to show off at all... I wanted to see how it looked, and bugger me but it looked terrible.

The problem is, I'm not actually doing the correct exercise for that piece of equipment. I'm recruiting the glutes and hamstrings too much, and not isolating my lower back... because I don't want to hit my lower back. I need Wednesday nights to NOT work my lower back even more. That's the fucking point.

So I'll be abandoning this apparatus and using the glute and ham raise machine, like I should have been doing all along. I'll also try not to make too many more videos of me embarrassing myself.
I'm probably not recovered from the bench work I did on the weekend. This is, at least, how I'm explaining yet another disappointing OHP session. That and Dan was being a dickhead, which is something I've kinda missed while he's been away from the Pit, doing yoga or pilates, or whatever it is he's been buying so much Lulu Lemon merchandise for. I forget now what it's called.

The Kroc rows were mediocre; I had to construct the 100 kilo DB from a bar and a bunch of 10 and 15 kilo plates, which were, really, too large for a decent range of motion. The bar was also a regular, thin bar, so my grip wasn't challenged. That made these the first M.E. Krocs I've done in ages which fatigued my muscles before my grip gave out. It's good, but I need a better dumbbell.

Oh, and Steve. Yeah, Steve demanded that I make mention of him in my blog, as he considers himself pretty important. There you go Steve.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Squat Monday: It's Still Progress

Squats w/cambered
*no belt
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 170 kgs
5 reps @ 190 kgs PR

Good mornings
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 90 kgs
3 reps @ 110 kgs
1 reps @ 130 kgs
5 reps @ 150 kgs

JUST wasn't feeling it tonight. The last 3 squats in my money set were shithouse... even lurching a little to the right on the last one. But I still managed 5 of them, and it was still completely RAW, sans belt, to depth. So I'm getting stronger. My lower back, however, was not feeling strong. Not strong enough for a PR on the GMs at least. I figured it wise to quit before my back started feeling any rougher.

Overhead press Wednesday night.

Non-events Training Saturday: Successful Accessorising

January 19th
Shoulder warmup

1-arm Bench press
10 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
8 reps @ 50 kgs PR

Leg press
10 reps @ 165 kgs
10 reps @ 245 kgs
10 reps @ 325 kgs
5 reps @ 405 kgs

1-arm Seated rows
10 reps @ plate 15
5 reps @ plate 17
1 reps @ plate 19
7 reps @ plate 20 PR

1-arm Tri-pushdowns
10 reps @ 50 lbs
8 reps @ 60 lbs
8 reps @ 60 lbs
8 reps @ 65 lbs PR

I AM starting to really enjoy these 1-arm bench sessions. If I can bench a 70 kilo DB just once with the left, that would beat my all time 1 RM of 135. Not far off that now I'm pretty sure. But I may need to start asking for a spot for this exercise.

Made some solid progress with the other pissweak machine-based exercises I do on weekends now, instead of actual SM training. I still intend to source a thinner bar for the yoke (or join Dan over at CrossFit Armed some time) so I can at least try no-arms walking again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Push/Pull Wednesday: A Solid C+

45 degree back raises
10 reps
8 reps +28 kg KB
3 reps +32 kg KB
3 reps +40 kg KB
15 reps +45 kg Plate PR

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
1 reps @ 45 kgs
3 reps @ 50 kgs goddamnit
9.5 reps @ 40 kgs equal to best effort

1-arm Kroc rows
8 reps @ 60 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
8 reps @ 80 kgs

NOW I'M worried I'm getting weaker. Kroc rows were sub-par tonight - even with chalk my grip was just piss poor. I was expecting at least 10 reps.

The back raises were punishing, and I didn't expect to get 15 reps out! Range of motion, predictably, got smaller on the last couple. I'll get even more next time... or move to a 50 kilo plate. Or both.

And the last time I picked up that 50 kilo DB I managed only one fucking rep, yet (and I keep saying it because it feels like it didn't happen now) I strict pressed that bitch 5 times, not so long ago. Meh. I should stop complaining. Eat more if I want more. What I want is steady gains while I get leaner. Like I did last year.

It takes a long, long time to fix what I did to myself. This is me in June of 2010, after I'd been training for 2 months. I am sucking my gut in so hard in this picture. I weighed 148 kilos, down from over 150. That's over 330 pounds. And I still don't know how heavy I really was to begin with - my scales just kept reading 150 for the first several weeks, then one day I got on and it said 148. I was pleased enough to take some pics.

Now I'm 125-126. I'm expecting by the time I go into surgery I'll be 124 or less. And when I come out, I'll start eating like a slob again to give myself every chance at healing up. The re-comping will never stop though. Not until I'm walking around at between 120 and 125 kilos, with lets say a 35 inch waist. I don't give a shit about abs.

I think it's achievable. I just have to keep training, and keep eating right.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Squat Monday: Wet, Slippery Maxes

Squats w/cambered
*no belt
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 170 kgs
4 reps @ 190 kgs PR

Good mornings
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 90 kgs
3 reps @ 110 kgs
1 reps @ 130 kgs
11 reps @ 150 kgs PR

THE HUMIDITY tonight was ridiculous. The Pit's evaporative aircon just blew more moisture into the atmosphere. The bar was slick, my clothes were soaked through, my towel was heavy with the sweat it had collected. And I wasn't even half way done.

Form was better on the squats tonight, but still not great. I was going to call this a 'technical' PR on account of having done more reps at this weight - and heavier - in the recent past. But I had been using a belt. Tonight there was no belt. Even my pissweak velcro knee sleeves failed me (they were too wet, and just broke apart as my knees bent) and with only the two litres of milk I'd consumed that day and my pre-WO drink to fuel me through this hot rock sauna of a session, I still managed over 4 plates per side, 4 reps, to depth, and completely RAW.

Seems legit enough to be considered a new PR.

The GMs, though, they were even more punishing, and definitely new ground broken. I've never done more than ten reps of anything that heavy, so going to eleven is a new PR for sure. I wish I'd gotten some scrutiny on my form though, as I felt I wasn't hitting quite enough depth towards the end.

Really hoping Wednesday night's OHP session is cooler and therefore less sweaty. It's time to try that 50 kilo DB again. I want 6 reps. I NEED 6 reps. Grip is going to be an issue.

And where the fuck has all the chalk gone, while we're on the subject??!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Non-events Training Saturday: 1 Armed Bench

January 13th 2013
1-arm Bench press
10 reps @ 20 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs
10 reps @ 35 kgs
9.5 reps @ 40 kgs

1-arm Seated rows
10 reps @ plate 14
5 reps @ plate 16
8 reps @ plate 18 PR

1-arm Pinwheelz
10 reps @ 20 kgs
10 reps @ 25 kgs
10 reps @ 27.5 kgs
10 reps @ 30 kgs

1-arm Tri pushdowns
10 reps @ 55 lbs
7 reps @ 60 lbs
3 reps @ 65 lbs
16 reps @ 50 lbs PR

THE BENCH press was interesting... I haven't felt a pump in my pecs for I don't know how long (well, just the left, but anyway) and I nearly failed on my face. Nearly. Must get the hang of this when I go heavier next week. I'm sure I could work up to 10 reps of 50 or more. My left side is much stronger now, and this is a novel new way of testing that fact, and further strengthening it. While working on my left-side-only aesthetics, which of course are my main concern.

And how about this shit?! I've been published on Nick Horton's Weight Lifting Academy! Nick approached me for a piece over the holidays, and I was happy to oblige. The piece I wrote, the working title of which he astutely abbreviated to Nourish and Destroy, is more of the same self-involved ranting I do here. Only now I've got Olympic lifters from Texas scrutinising my neuroses too.

I've already planned out what I'm gonna squat and GM Monday night.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Squat Thursday: Maximum Effort, Minimum Calories

Squats w/cambered
*no belt
10 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 110 kgs
5 reps @ 130 kgs
3 reps @ 150 kgs
1 reps @ 170 kgs
3 reps @ 190 kgs TPR

Good mornings

8 reps @ 70 kgs
5 reps @ 90 kgs
3 reps @ 110 kgs
1 reps @ 130 kgs
10 reps @ 150 kgs TPR

The first squat at 190 was good enough. The second was shit house - I did  everything wrong except the depth, so I made sure the third one was solid. And that felt like the last one I'd manage with proper form, so I racked it and saved some herbs for the GMs, which were all to proper depth and a personal record by 2 reps at that weight. 

I got into another 'discussion' with Dan and Ash regarding my desire to get my bodyweight to around 120 kilograms. They were opposed to it, but I screamed at them "It's my body, I'll do what I want!!" and that was the end of it.

Later Ash had a cry about how I keep picking on him in my blog, because I told him that one of my legions of readers (pfft) messaged me that he'd seen the video and now understood why I hate Ash so much, with the way he was behaving while I tried no-arms yoke.

He hasn't yet found out that this was just a story I made up to hurt his feelings. It worked quite well, which made me happy. Because I hate Ash.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Push/Pull Wednesday: More Reps, Less Retards

45 degree back raises
10 reps
10 reps +20 kgs KB
5 reps +32 kgs KB
3 reps +40 kgs KB
10 reps +45 kgs plate PR

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP (strict)
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
1 reps @ 50 kgs
7 reps @ 45 kgs PR

1-arm Kroc rows
8 reps @ 60 kgs
5 reps @ 70 kgs
10 reps @ 80 kgs

Triceps pushdowns
4 reps @ 70 lbs
7 reps @ 60 lbs
7 reps @ 50 lbs

THE PENULTIMATE 1 rep set of OHP with the 50 felt weak, but at least I completed it. I knew there was no way I was going to break new ground in terms of weight tonight, so I backed off and went again for reps. Got that 7 at 45 kilos I should have gotten last week. It's something at least.

The Pit was practically deserted when I arrived tonight and I didn't want to impose on the only two guys lifting, so I moved straight to back raises instead of tooling around with the glute/ham raise and safety squat bar to perform the exercise Shaun coined 'retarded Shannons' (and which I can't be bothered describing right now). Tonight I - for only the second time - did back raises with a 45 kilo plate held to my chest, and doubled my PR for reps with that weight.

And I really wanted 12 Kroc rows (and another personal record) with the 80 kilo DB tonight, but there was no chalk. And I probably wasn't gonna get it anyway.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Events Training Saturday: A Mighty Hump

Yoke walk (no arms)
10 meters @ 205 kgs
10 meters @ 205 kgs
static hold
2 seconds @ 285 kgs pfft

Backward sled drag
25 meters @ 140 kgs
25 meters @ 140 kgs

Forward sled drag w/harness
25 meters @ 140 kgs, 7.14 seconds

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP (strict)
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 35 kgs
1 reps @ 40 kgs
7 reps @ 45 kgs equal to best effort

Kroc rows
8 reps @ 60 kgs
5 reps @ 70 kgs
11 reps @ 80 kgs PR

I WAS hoping that DB max effort set was a PR by 1. Not so. I really am feeling the effects of the calorie deficit now, and will need to scale back my expectations when it comes to progression while I'm doing this.

The no-arms yoke walk required me to place the bar higher on my back than normal and lean forward more to stabilise it. This produced an accumulation of interstitial fluid at the top of my neck which I've not had happen before, and was quite painful when I later tried the static hold. I was advised that continuing to train yoke today would not be smart.

The forward sled drag was a timed race against Ash, who I beat by over 1 second. Just glad I beat him. I hate that guy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Squat Thursday: De-load

Squats w/cambered
8 reps @ 30 kgs
8 reps @ 70 kgs
8 reps @ 90 kgs
8 reps @ 110 kgs
8 reps @ 130 kgs

Good mornings

8 reps @ 70 kgs
8 reps @ 90 kgs
8 reps @ 110 kgs
8 reps @ 130 kgs

1-arm Triceps pushdowns
8 reps @ 60 lbs
4 reps @ 65 lbs PR
8 reps @ 55 lbs

YEAH. Beat that Gabor.

All indicators point to this being a good time to de-load. Of course, looking back on yesterday, there's a more logical explanation for my fails with the OHP: strength and energy are down because the diet has been reigned back in. I ate like a mofo over xmas/new years (it was glorious) and was utilising those extra calories at the start of the week. But now it's back on the re-composition road; daily calories are locked in, along with my workaday routine. 

Still weighing in at around 127 kilos. I'm happy about this, but walking around at between 120 and 125 (without sacrificing strength, of course) still remains the goal. I don't know for sure how the months of little to no activity post-surgery are going to affect my weight on the scale, but I will be upping my calories to assist the healing process, and possibly shaving some more junk off the edges of my food pyramid as I go, to try and minimise fat gain.

Much is still pretty uncertain.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Push/Pull Wednesday: 'My Time of the Month'

Retarded Shannons*
8 reps @ 25 kgs
8 reps @ 35 kgs
3 reps @ 45 kgs
4 half reps @ 45 kgs

Shoulder warmup

1-arm DB OHP (strict)
8 reps @ 20 kgs
5 reps @ 30 kgs
3 reps @ 40 kgs
2 fails @ 50 kgs WTF!?
9.5 reps @ 40 kgs PR

1-arm Seated rows
8 reps @ plate 12
8 reps @ plate 14
5 reps @ plate 16
5 reps @ plate 17 equal to best effort

1-arm Pinwheelz
10 reps @ 20 kgs
10 reps @ 25 kgs
10 reps @ 27.5 kgs

I HAVE no idea what was wrong with me tonight. Ash said it was probably just my 'time of the month', which provoked a discussion about our menstrual cycles. Turns out Ash used to be synced with the rest of us, before he stopped showing up for training regularly and started wearing dresses more often.

I failed twice to get just one rep of the 50 kilo DB, where last week I hit 5 reps... I was actually intending to try for a 60 kilo 1RM after this. I was confidant I'd have it with a little push, if necessary. But this was fucked - everything felt weak and wrong. My shirt sleeve seemed to get int he way, my wrist wrap broke (lousy cheap piece of shit) and my grip on the dumbbell felt slick and uncertain. Just couldn't seem to get it. So, pretty pissed off, I took back the 40 and repped it out till I couldn't press any more (and nearly dropped it on my head with the tenth rep... making that one would have been almost as sweet as the 1RM at 60. But I didn't have that in me tonight either).

Retarded Shannons were performed using the 45 degree back raise / Roman chair thing tonight. Much harder, and I was pushing to full ROM (from parallel to floor through to fully upright). Not to mention... it's not really the same exercise. At all. Way more hamstring activation, and it just felt like I was doing a less impressive, suspended Good morning.

Another squat session tomorrow night. Oh goody.